Some wildlife I spotted on a hike today.

Some wildlife I spotted on a hike today. It was really nice in the shade, but it was also very hilly, and uncomfortably warm in the sun. I ended up staggering back to the car at the end.

The yellow and black bird is some sort of oriole. The black and white one is a black phoebe. I think the rabbit is a desert cottontail.

#nature #birds #rabbits #animals #wildlife #hiking #photo

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Some birds I saw on a hike today

Some #birds I saw on a hike today:

  1. One of several Black Phoebes I saw around the grounds of the park
  2. A California Towhee that had just chased another bird away from this puddle.
  3. One of the clearest views I’ve had of a hummingbird away from a feeder.
  4. Possibly a goldfinch? There were a bunch of them in the same bush.

#nature #photo

On Photog.Social
Black Phoebe on iNaturalist
California Towhee on iNaturalist
Hummingbird on iNaturalist
Lesser Goldfinch on iNaturalist