Sometimes I’ll see a whole flock of coots at this pond, sometimes a handful. Today I only saw one.
Tag: coot
I went back through my photos and found one where you *can* see the green …
I went back through my photos and found one where you *can* see the green on the male wigeon’s head!
Here’s a male and a female, plus a coot. The coots were scattered around the entire pond, while the wigeons were mostly at one end (probably not coincidentally, the end where people were more likely to stand around tossing bread into the water. Right next to the sign saying not to feed the birds, especially not bread.)
#birds #wigeon #nature #photo #coot
American Coot
American Coot
There were a *lot* of coots swimming in the pond, and one or two walking around nearby.
American Coot
American Coot
American Coot
One of several dozen coots that were swimming around the pond and walking along the shore, sharing the pond with ducks and geese.
American Coot
Normally I only see one or two coots here, along with more ducks and geese. Maybe I was just looking at the wrong end of the pond.