FINALLY managed to punch a hole in the firewall…

FINALLY managed to punch a hole in the #firewall that allowed the #docker image to make DNS calls outward so I can actually federate this instance!

(really wanted to punch docker)

Problem was I had to restart the docker service after updating the firewall rules.

#awall #AlpineLinux

Comment by

if you combine awall and docker, make sure you set the awall_dedicated_chains variable to true. This will make sure awall does not interfere with the rules that docker adds. See


My response:

Thank you! I suspect you’ve just saved me a future headache the next time something restarts!

FINALLY If you’re trying to use the Linode marketplace build for mastodon, you need to …


If you’re trying to use the #Linode marketplace build for #mastodon, you need to fix some permissions in one of the #docker containers.

Otherwise it’ll fail on uploading media, accepting follows, possibly more.

Run this:

docker exec –user root live_web_1 chown -R mastodon:mastodon /opt/mastodon/public/system
