Considering we have to treat fresh water to begin with…

California eyes recycling wastewater for drinking

Considering we have to treat fresh water to begin with, it really is a matter of degree and the “Ick!” factor. The one thing that bothers me about the article is that they keep talking about it as a “source” rather than a way to stretch what you’re getting further.

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Having grown up in California during the 1980s, I can’t imagine NOT turning the water off while I brush my teeth.

Having grown up in California during the 1980s, I can’t imagine NOT turning the water off while I brush my teeth. OK, I can imagine it, but it’s like chewing on aluminum foil while reading an article entirely written in Comic Sans in white type on a light gray background with terrible spelling, grammar, and a complete disconnect from reality, while listening to Wolverine scrape his claws against a chalkboard.

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Having killed a jade plant by giving it too much water…yeah.

Water only when necessary

Having killed a jade plant by giving it too much water*…yeah. There's no sense in wasting water AND killing your plants.

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*To be fair, the plant also went through a termite tenting. I took cuttings rather than try to transplant the whole thing, and the cuttings are all still just fine. I'd put more blame on the tenting if the original plant hadn't hung on for another 7-8 months.

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Not only does this use less water than running the faucet (I’m always surprised …

Soak pots and pans.

Not only does this use less water than running the faucet (I'm always surprised by how much that actually uses!), it makes it a lot easier to scrub when the pans are done soaking. For extra savings, nest them while soaking, or soak one at a time while you're working on other dishes and reuse the water from one pan to the next.

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We’ve been doing this for a couple of months now. Admittedly our vegetable garden’…

Tip #43: While you wait for hot water, collect the running water and use it to water plants.

We've been doing this for a couple of months now. Admittedly our vegetable garden's not that big, but we haven't needed to use the hose for watering in all that time (much to J's annoyance).

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Lee Vibber This explains why he was so happy to help me water with the hose!

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