I appreciate that Facebook supports a tag to discover which image to use when you “Like” or share…

I appreciate that Facebook supports a tag to discover which image to use when you “Like” or share an outside web page…but I'm astonished at how SPECTACULARLY BAD it is at choosing an image without it. I'm testing the like button on a blog, and invariably it picks up some button in the sidebar instead of one of the much bigger images earlier in the page where the real content is.

On Facebook

WTF, Facebook? I can see blocking new uploads if you’re not familiar with an…

Facebook Blocks KDE Photo App, Deletes Users’ Pics

WTF, Facebook? I can see blocking new uploads if you're not familiar with an app that (for instance) suddenly gets picked up by spammers, but even in that case, you should check and see if there are legit uploads from the same app before deleting everything every uploaded with the tool.

On Facebook