Nightmare scenario: A fatal allergic reaction to an ingredient in such an off-the-wall place that you wouldn’t have even thought to look for it there. In this case, milk protein in toothpaste.
Tag: FoodAllergy
Morbid wondering: food allergy death stats
An article on a recent incident where a college student died from peanut allergy got me thinking: most news stories about people dying from #anaphylaxis are about kids or teens. You rarely hear about a 40-year old or even 30-year-old dying from a #foodallergy. It happens (which is why I still carry an EpiPen everywhere), just not as often.
I couldn’t find any solid numbers, but wrote up some speculation in my blog:
It occurs to me that the impending start of #SDCC is probably another factor in why I started thinking about this, as it’s coming up on 5 years since my “adventure” leaving Comic Con in an ambulance due to a peanut-laced mocha from a nearby cafe. I could’ve been one of those rare cases in my late 30s.
Careful not to name Mylan specifically, but good to know
A Statement from the CEO of FARE
The recent concerns raised about epinephrine pricing practices have led to questions on FARE’s relationship with commercial organizations. As CEO of FARE I think it’s important to address these questions.
Careful not to name Mylan specifically, but good to know: “We have therefore decided that until meaningful competition exists in the epinephrine auto-injector space we will no longer accept donations from companies marketing these devices.”
“I know you want your dietary preferences to be taken seriously…”
Why Food Allergy Fakers Need to Stop
I know you want your dietary preferences to be taken seriously, and you think invoking the A-word is a harmless little white lie. But you have no idea how much trouble you’re causing and how much you’re helping to erode hard-won progress for people with genuine allergies and disorders.
Peanut allergy may begin in the genes, study shows
Huh. I’ve never encountered issues with pepper before, of any kind, though I definitely
Huh. I’ve never encountered issues with pepper before, of any kind, though I definitely have problems with cashews. Another reason to always be prepared.
Soooo not worth the risk
Soooo not worth the risk. #candy #allergies #foodallergy #game #daveandbusters
Some new details in this case: 1) The peanut butter-containing rice krispies treats were…
Lawsuit Filed in Tragic Peanut Allergy Death
Some new details in this case: 1) The peanut butter-containing rice krispies treats were prepared by camp staff, who had been informed of her (and other children's) allergy. 2) They were not labeled. 3) Camp staff couldn't find the key to the storage cabinet with spare epinephrine. Her father ended up breaking open the glass case with his hand to get her the third dose.