Two pairs of ducks and three geese seen at the marsh yesterday. (That almost sounds like a card hand with a weird deck.)
Tag: geese
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Geese at the amphitheatre.
Geese at the amphitheatre.
This city park has a pond which attracts ducks, coots, seagulls, and as near as I can tell a permanent flock of Canada Geese that wander around the banks of the pond and the open space at the south end, where these terraces are located.
Let’s just say I don’t think I’d want to sit on the ground in that part of the park.
#photo #geese #park #birds
We’ve had a wet winter, so the seasonal marsh has actually filled up a lot …
We’ve had a wet winter, so the seasonal marsh has actually filled up a lot more than it has for the last few years. In addition to the full ponds (including two on either side of a road that was still muddy) I saw a lot of birds, including a crane that was swaying back and forth until it took flight, lots of ducks and geese.
A few more photos on Flickr if you’re interested
#marsh #nature #birds #photography
I went back to the same marsh I’d visited in early December, after a few …
I went back to the same marsh I’d visited in early December, after a few more rainstorms. The ponds had spread, covering trails I’d walked along just a few weeks earlier. Ducks and geese had arrived in force.
I could also swear I heard a frog, but I couldn’t see it, and even with the weird southern California seasons, I don’t think it’s the right time for frogs to be out. I should’ve asked at the visitor center.
#photography, #nature #geese #marsh #pond
Canada geese at the marsh. Remarkably unconcerned with an unpredictable human child 15 feet away…
Photo taken at: Madrona Marsh Preserve and Nature Center
Canada geese at the marsh. Remarkably unconcerned with an unpredictable human child 15 feet away, but then they *are* geese.