Interesting read: Why Google+ Failed

Interesting read: Why Google+ Failed

“Google Plus didn’t fail because Facebook is invulnerable. It failed because of deep flaws embedded in it from the very start.”

#SocialNetworking #GooglePlus


@mjog Yeah. By the time Inbox was introduced, I’d already set up enough custom rules that I wasn’t interested in even trying it, but the analysis makes a lot of sense.


Adding Tumblr to the Archive

Tumblr’s jettisoning a major part of their user base, which doesn’t give me much confidence in its future. So I’m importing everything up to now, even though very little of my Tumblr activity is unique to Tumblr. Just about all of it is cross-posted or notified from my blog, or Flickr, or somewhere else, or is a reblog of someone else’s Tumblr where I didn’t add anything except maybe new tags.

I guess cleaning up the duplicates will give me another ongoing project for when I’m bored.

Which reminds me, I should decide what I’m going to do with the rest of the Google Plus archive. I’d been manually importing the original stuff, and then ran into a wall when it came to deciding how to handle posts with interesting comments: Do I import the post without comments? Do I copy the comments into the post body? Do I finally take the time to write that import/converter script I thought about doing a year ago?

Using the Google+ news to make a point about attack surface: Your old online accounts …

Using the Google+ news to make a point about attack surface: Your old online accounts can put you at risk even if you’re not using them anymore.

Laughing at Google+ bug? You’re making a big mistake.

The popularity of Google+ is a distraction when you’re thinking about Google+ as part of a consumer’s broader “attack surface”…The more accounts you have, the bigger your digital footprint and the wider your attack surface.

Taking it a bit further:

Does the account still have access to anything else? Unlink it!

Do you use the same password anywhere else? Change those passwords!

Does it have private information on it that could be used to impersonate you on another account? Think about whether you still want to keep it around.


Hmm, it might be a good time for me to sit down and build that …

Hmm, it might be a good time for me to sit down and build that Google+ archive file to WordPress XML archive converter I’ve been thinking about for a while.

Or see if someone else has done something similar in the meantime.



It would’ve been nice if the Google+ update had made it look less like Facebook instead of more.

It would’ve been nice if the Google+ update had made it look less like Facebook instead of more.

At least when they added a cover photo to the profile, they had the sense not to turn it into the left-right-left-again disappearing-reappearing how-can-I-find-or-even-read-anything usability nightmare called Timeline.