Kid’s homemade Halloween costume: a Minecraft spider jockey…

Kid's homemade #Halloween costume: a #Minecraft spider jockey. His mom did the construction, I helped a bit with the painting, and he's still able to fit in the harness, so he's planning to take it out again this year. Building the thing was a lot of work, but he's getting a lot of use out it.

Kid's homemade #Halloween costume: a #Minecraft spider jockey. His mom did the construction, I helped a bit with the painting, and he's still able to fit in the harness, so he's planning to take it out again this year. Building the thing was a lot of work, but he's getting a lot of use out it.

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There’s a house in my neighborhood with #Halloween decorations that include a string of bright …

There’s a house in my neighborhood with #Halloween decorations that include a string of bright orange witches’ hats hanging from the eaves.

But since I learned from an episode of #Lingthusiasm that “witches’ hat” is Australian slang for traffic cones, the color seems even more appropriate!



Eerie: Cave Ghosts, Moon and Fog

Halloween moon

On learning that this week’s photo challenge is “eerie,” I started thinking of all the photos in my library that might fit. My mind immediately went to this one, a shot of a nearly-full moon behind ragged clouds taken, appropriately enough, on Halloween last year.

Just about all of my “eerie” shots involve the moon, or clouds/fog, or both. For instance, this view of fog pouring over a hillside at sunset, and the shadows of the trees inside it.

Fog Shadows - Black and White

Or this one, a this scanned photo of a lunar eclipse from 1994. I’m fairly certain that the bright splotch is the moon, and the rest, including the ring and the sharper image at upper right, are lens artifacts. It’s been so long that I don’t remember any specifics of taking the photo.

Eclipse Ring

Finally I remembered a series of photos I took at the Thurston Lava Tube in Hawaii, trying to use natural light (with only the cave walls to brace the camera) and picking up ghost images of the other tourists wandering through.

Thurston Lava Tube Ghost Images

I have some more shots of that cave over at K-Squared Ramblings. That’s also the blog where I’m trying to do NaBloPoMo this month. I started yesterday with a post about yesterday’s shooting at LAX and the spillover it had on the parts of town near the airport: roads closed, constant helicopter noise, sirens, and thousands of stranded travelers leaving the airport on foot, trudging over a mile dragging their luggage in a ragged line. You know, if I’d thought about it and found the right position for a photo, that would have made for a good “eerie” image.


Thursday night we went up to Anaheim to see a showing of The Nightmare Before Christmas.  It was the new 3-D version, and it was at a theater (Cinema City) that looked astonishingly like the Irvine Spectrum theater on the inside (in decor, not layout), but wasn’t an Edwards or Regal theater.  We wondered if it had been built or renovated right before the whole industry went through its consolidation phase a few years back.

There were maybe 12-15 people in the theater by the time it started, all adults  Perhaps some high-schoolers at the youngest.  Naturally the pre-movie programming was aimed at children.  It’s animated, right?

The movie was good, as always.  It was the second time we’d seen the 3D version, which works quite well, though there was one problem with the presentation: This theater uses all digital projection, and the resolution isn’t quite as high as it should be.  In scenes with high contrast or fast movement, we could see the pixels at the borders.

Halloween itself was a bit of a bust.  alenxa had made herself up as a vampire, and we’d bought three bags of candy, but I was so exhausted when we got home that I flopped onto the bed for “10 minutes” that turned into an hour and a half.  But the entire evening, not a single trick-or-treater knocked on our door.  Katie saw groups tromp up and down the stairs right next to us, but they passed us by entirely.  She figured there must be some sort of signal you’re supposed to put on your door to say, “We accept trick-or-treaters,” and no one told us.  So I figure I’ll just take most of the candy into work on Monday.  It’ll go pretty quickly.

Saturday we ran some errands down in Lake Forest (among other things, checking for post-Halloween sales at Costume Castle) and drove through a No On Prop 8 rally on the corners of El Toro & Rockfield.  We waved, honked the horn, and Katie woo-hooed.  [Edit: forgot to mention, there was at least one person holding a handmade sign that said something like “Christians voting against Prop 8.”  Nice to be reminded that not everyone falls for the false dichotomy.] We had lunch at the original Peppino’s (a bit expensive for lunch, but the leftovers will feed us for 2 more days) and realized that we hadn’t been to one since the restaurant in Tustin closed.  Then I spent the afternoon doing laundry catch-up, while Katie got started on Nanowrimo.

Halloween, Nanowrimo, Pushing Daisies

Last night we got the biggest Halloween crowd we’ve had in years. Which isn’t saying much, since it was only around a dozen kids, but I think there were a couple of big groups that collided, because about 6 or 7 of them showed up at the same time. alenxa redid her Sylar Victim makeup, and scared some of the kids. (One actually asked, “Does that hurt?”) After that first round, she stayed in the back room and I handed out the candy.

Official NaNoWriMo 2007 ParticipantSince I was up late anyway last night (making sure everything on the laptop worked after upgrading to Leopard), decided to get an early start on Nanowrimo after midnight rolled around. Only jotted down 135 words (including the title & byline), but it’s a start. Then I spent too much time looking around the site for counting tools and such. Should’ve gone to bed as soon as I stopped writing. I’ll probably be blogging progress reports over at K2R this year, instead of here. Haven’t decided for sure yet. Here’s my profile.

Pushing Daisies continues to be fun. Anyone else here watching it?

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Current Music: The End of the World, Gin Blossoms

Halloween Roundup

I think the time change drove people temporarily insane earlier this week. People unaccustomed to driving home in the dark clogged the streets in the evenings from Monday through Wednesday. As a result, alenxa and I didn’t get home until 6:40 on Halloween.

We walked in the door. I immediately turned on all the lights so that it was clear someone was home, then grabbed a large bowl and emptied bags of candy into it. Meanwhile Katie put the finishing touches on her vampire costume: the gloves, cape and fangs that she hadn’t worn on the drive home. We were hurrying, because we could hear a group of trick-or-treaters below, collecting candy from our downstairs neighbors.

Footsteps tromped up the stairs, and the Vampiress was ready. They knocked on the door next to us. No one answered. (Our next-door neighbors had moved out on Friday.) They knocked again. No answer. And they went back downstairs. We heard one of the kids suggest trying the other door, but they didn’t.

I wrote up a “Use Other Door →” sign and taped it on the empty apartment.

In the end, we got a grand total of two groups knocking on our door. Anyone want some extra Skittles and Tootsie Rolls? (Sorry, the Twix bars stay!)