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Tag: humor
Now that’s what I call a Flash drive!
Even better: I found the source…with directions on how to make one!
Spam subject:
I will pay you just for clicking your mouse
Really? AWESOME!
Now, where’s my cash?
Hey! You didn’t say it mattered where I clicked it!
I ruined someone’s joke today.
I was walking back from the Spectrum, waiting for a walk signal while munching on one of those muffins they have at Jamba Juice, when a car pulled up in the turn lane. A girl, probably in her late teens, rolled down the passenger-side window.
“Sir? Do you have any updog?”
Updog? I thought. What the hell is that, some kind of code word for something? Since my mouth was full, I just kind of shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.
“Are you sure? You don’t have any updog?”
Same thing. The light changed, and the car turned into the parking lot.
And then I realized: she had been expecting me to ask what it was. As in, “What’s updog?”
Needs more research.
I received an email from the UCI donation-seeking apparatus, and the wording just seemed a little off from my own college experience.
Hint taken
This morning I looked at the vine that I’ve routed along the top of my cubicle wall and thought it was just getting long enough to warrant a new paper clip to hold it in place. (I have clips at two to three-foot intervals.) Just now it flopped down off the wall to hang in front of my calendar.
Hint taken, plant! New clips are in place.
Unintended Tongue Twister
A few days ago I realized my tendency to randomly spoonerize names and phrases should not be applied to Fuddruckers.
Googolplex: a virtual reality movie theater
Here’s an interesting idea: Googolplex Theaters creates a virtual reality movie theater so that, effectively, everyone gets their own screen.
Of course, once you simulate a screen in VR, why stop there? You’ve already got 3-D in the display, and between the backlog of 3-D movies and a decade or so of computer animation, there are a lot of possibilities.
Hmm, so Isuzu has a new car called the Axiom.
It seems to me that “Designed from basic principles” would be a perfect slogan.
Random thoughts
One of our bathroom sinks drains slowly. We’ve had maintenance out time and time again, but no matter what they do, it’s always just a bit slower than usual. Meanwhile, everytime they work on the faucet, its flow increases.
Last night I concluded it must be a water-saving drain. By draining slowly, it encourages you to not to turn the faucet up too far, or to run it too long, thus saving water. Sure, the same thing could be accomplished by just limiting the flow from the faucet, but that would be frustrating. This way you’re involved in the process, so it feels less like you’re being limited.
And on a less silly, but still plumbing-related note, a few nights ago I had an interesting old-habit experience. After loading the dishwasher, I lifted the door while opening the cabinet to get the box of soap. In my parents’ house, these are on a corner, so you can’t actually open the cabinet under the sink without lifting the dishwasher door out of the way. It’s been about 4½ years since I lived there, and countless loads of dishes… and yet the old habit resurfaced.
Speaking of strangeness in the car
Random quote from Saturday night (or technically early Sunday morning):
“Can’t sleep. Cars will hit me. Can’t sleep. Cars will hit me.”
Theater action! Too hot for radio!
In light of a recent expurgated version of “You Oughtta Know” played on the radio, alenxa wondered just what else Alanis Morissette might be singing about doing to someone in a theater.
I was originally going to do this as a write-in poll, but then I realized people would be limited to only one suggestion each.
So, fill in the blank: “Would she _______ on you in a theater?”
Be creative. If it doesn’t scan, that’s OK (it’s an Alanis Morissette song, after all), but stick to two beats if you can.
Post your ideas here!
One of my coworkers has the following written on his white board:
Knowledge is Power
Power Corrupts
Study Hard: Be Evil
Milking the jokes
Off to the annual CHP Retreat this weekend. We were determined to go since we missed last year, but with so much last-minute wedding preparation going on, it’s beginning to look less like a fantastic idea. Or rather more like a good idea with a high cost.
Still, the eve of such a trip is a perfect time to review quotes from campouts past.
I mean, who could forget such gems as “Hold it there, Tyler, we’re going to take a picture of your… pickle” and “She’s like a little snowman… from hell!” And of course, “We can’t have scones running around unzipped, can we?”
I wonder if anyone collected quotes on last year’s trip?