This beetle landed on my car window as I was about to start, then climbed onto the top of the car. I had to look. (Too bad I don’t drive a VW Beetle.)
Tag: insects
A Monarch Butterfly spotted over the weekend. Not sure what kind of flower it’s hiding behind
A #MonarchButterfly spotted over the weekend. Not sure what kind of flower it’s hiding behind.
Another Fiery Skipper from the first spring of the pandemic
Another #FierySkipper from the first spring of the pandemic.
A Fiery Skipper butterfly spotted last summer.
Looking through photos I somehow missed posting before. Here's a #FierySkipper #butterfly spotted last summer. #nature
Cloudless Sulphur (butterfly)
A painted lady (or related) butterfly seen while out walking today.
A painted lady (or related) #butterfly seen while out walking today.
Some butterflies spotted the other day while hiking.
Some #butterflies spotted the other day while hiking. A gulf fritillary (orange), some kind of blue, possibly a marine blue (tiny with brown wings and a blue body), and possibly a cloudless sulphur (yellow).
The blues are always hard to spot because they’re so small, and the sulphurs just don’t want to pause most of the time. But the fritillaries are more willing to stop, and there were SO MANY of them at the gardens on Monday.
Maybe a cloudless sulphur? Whatever it is, these yellow ones hardly ever pause long enough for me to take a picture.
There were so. many. fritillaries.
Gulf Fritillary
A Monarch Butterfly spotted while walking around the neighborhood the other day.
A #MonarchButterfly spotted while walking around the neighborhood the other day.
#nature #photo #butterfly #flowers
Mourning Cloak (butterfly on pine tree, SCBG)
A swallowtail butterfly, photographed using the classic technique of desperately following it with the camera…
A #swallowtail #butterfly, photographed using the classic technique of desperately following it with the camera and clicking the shutter when I hope it’s pointing vaguely in the right direction to at least catch it in frame and it probably won’t be in focus anyway but with luck it’ll at least be identifiable and…hey, not bad!
(Otherwise I’ve basically given up trying to actually aim at butterflies when they’re flying.)
Western Tiger Swallowtail
I saw several monarch butterflies at the botanic gardens up in the hills yesterday
I saw several monarch butterflies at the botanic gardens up in the hills yesterday, but no more than about three at a time. Numbers have dropped drastically over the last few years.
#photo #butterfly #MonarchButterfly #nature
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Gulf Fritillary
Yellow-faced Bumble Bee (on stringy purple flower)
This shot came out much clearer! It’s a gulf fritillary.
A monarch butterfly in flight
A #monarch butterfly in flight. I’ve been seeing one or two each time I go for a walk in the neighborhood, but mostly they’re flying around too much for me to get a decent photo. This one decided to stick around this one bush for a while.
On Photog.Social
On iNaturalist
About a week later…
Someone on Flickr invited this photo to a UFO/paranormal/unexplained phenomena group. 😕
Maybe they meant to invite it to something else they manage?
Or are there butterfly UFO stories out there that I’m missing?
Spotted a Monarch butterfly today, and it actually landed and held still long enough for me to get a clear photo.
Spotted a #Monarch #butterfly today, and it actually landed and held still long enough for me to get a clear photo.