Observation: differing social media reach of my lunar eclipse photos

– One conversation each and a handful of likes on Flickr, Tumblr and my blog.
– A double handful of boosts on Mastodon (Photog.Social).
– Roughly the same number of likes/favorites on Instagram, Mastodon & PixelFed, with Pixelfed slightly ahead.
– 10x as many views on Flickr as on my blog. (I don’t have stats on other sites)
– No reaction at all on Twitter.

Shooting the moon. It’s been going through cloud banks…

Shooting the moon. It’s been going through cloud banks, fading in and out of view, usually only the brighter, uneclipsed part visible. We’re at an intersection at the top of a hill facing east, along with a lot of other people. Someone just pulled up to the stop sign and asked, “What time is the eclipse?” Response: “Now!”

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On K2R

Eclipse Mosaic

Lunar #eclipse mosaic, starting around 11:00 and finishing around midnight Pacific time, just as totality set in. #moon #stargazing #notaphone

Lunar #eclipse mosaic, starting around 11:00 and finishing around midnight Pacific time, just as totality set in. #moon #stargazing #notaphone


Four views of the moon over the course of tonight’s lunar eclipse, starting around 11pm and running until about midnight. I actually got some shots at the second stage without the phone line in the way, but I liked the way this looked.


Expanded on K2R

Discovered I missed a lunar eclipse this morning/last night, but it’s just as well…


Discovered I missed a lunar eclipse this morning/last night, but it's just as well I didn't wake up early. (And besides, I caught a great one just last fall) On the plus side, I found a nice list of upcoming solar eclipses searchable by viewing location. August 2017 will be a good partial eclipse from Southern California, and a total eclipse along a wide track across North America. And J will be old enough to appreciate it. Road trip!

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