Tag: MadronaMarsh
Black Phoebe (small & fluffy, Madrona)
American Lady
Wild Buckwheats
Western Sycamore
California Brittlebush
Cambarid Crayfishes
I saw a lot of butterflies at Madrona Marsh over the weekend…
Photo taken at: Madrona Marsh Preserve and Nature Center
I saw a lot of #butterflies at #MadronaMarsh over the weekend, including some pale yellow ones and some black ones and even a few monarchs, plus a lot of these white and orange ones. #iNaturalist narrows them down to the Pontia & Hylephila genuses (geni?). #nature
According to biophilic1 on iNaturalist, these are a Checkered White and a Fiery Skipper.
Saw a ton of mallards and geese as usual for Madrona Marsh, plus a bunch …
Saw a ton of mallards and geese as usual for Madrona Marsh, plus a bunch of bluebirds. Discovered I’m not very good at taking pictures of dragonflies unless they’ve paused somewhere for longer than a few seconds.
Also spotted several monarch butterflies – see my comments on dragonflies!
Mourning Dove (bare tree on a sunny day)
Artist’s Bracket
Wild Hyacinths
Spiky Flowering Plants
I see these needle-like flowers on whatever type of grass this is all the time, but I’ve never found out what it’s called.
Desert Cottontail (Madrona, greenery)
Desert Cottontail (Madrona, in grass)
Canada Goose walking through the grass
Fly away!
Photo taken at: Madrona Marsh Preserve and Nature Center
Fly away! This crane egret was standing on the road around #MadronaMarsh, swaying back and forth and looking upward like it was dancing or something, until it finally decided to fly off.