Webhost raising price for unique IP. SNI covers my own SSL use, but I’m also considering all-HTTPS. Compatibility:

Webhost raising price for unique IP. SNI covers my own SSL use, but I’m also considering all-HTTPS. Compatibility: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication

Sadly, looks like ancient WinXP and Android 2.x are still big chunks of those markets, which means they won’t be able to access SNI sites.

Spam on my blog jumped by a factor of 20 when I installed Comluv in April, with no increase in real comments. Time to end this experiment.

Spam on my blog jumped by a factor of 20 when I installed Comluv in April, with no increase in real comments. Time to end this experiment.

I guess it depends on the site. I wonder how long it’ll take for the spammers searching for “powered by commentluv” to drop off.

Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.

Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.

Hmm. It’s not just that one post getting spammed suddenly. It’s just that one post where the spams aren’t getting caught by Akismet.

This does tell me that spammers *are* targeting CommentLuv blogs, because until yesterday, I had 1 blog w/about 600 spams & another with 6.

Interesting: I’ve started choosing ebooks vs. print in much the same way I used to choose hardcover vs. paperback: Author, series, etc.

Interesting: I’ve started choosing ebooks vs. print in much the same way I used to choose hardcover vs. paperback: Author, series, etc.

I grabbed @robertjsawyer’s Red Planet Blues on Kobo. But I wouldn’t dream of buying @neilhimself’s Ocean at the End of the Lane except in HC

Gotta love when someone freaks out over something that’s been CHANGED OMG! when it’s actually normal & they just hadn’t noticed.

Gotta love when someone freaks out over something that’s been CHANGED OMG! when it’s actually normal & they just hadn’t noticed.

For example: “President A skipped out on event B for the first time EVER!” even though presidents C,D, and E skipped it regularly…

Or “What is that light in the sky! OMG!” Um, it’s Venus, it’s been there all month…

The airplane contrail off of the Calif. coast that people mistook for a missile launch a couple of years back…

Every time there’s a major earthquake and suddenly people are watching+reporting every tiny quake so it looks like the frequency is going up

Or those Youtube videos where the narrator was sure something had been done to water because you NEVER saw rainbows in sprinklers before?

“Doctor, will I be able to play the violin after the operation?” “Absolutely.” “Wonderful, I never could before!”

Stupid email tricks: Putting your entire sales pitch into a remote image so that the average user only sees your unsubscribe link.

Stupid email tricks: Putting your entire sales pitch into a remote image so that the average user only sees your unsubscribe link.

Bonus points for using the nonstandard phrase “denotify” instead of something more easily understood like “unsubscribe”

It’s almost like they’re TRYING to look like spam.

Why did I just uninstall Shareaholic?

Because the extension added contextual advertising to the PayPal login screen. That means (a) I can’t trust my browsing, even on HTTPS sites, to be private (yeah, I know DNS and Chrome’s anti-malware filter already get this info), and (b) I can’t trust secure sites to not be modified as long as the extension is installed.

Storm, smog and sky above LAX.

They’re finally replacing the broken window in my old 11th-floor office. (It’s been held together with duct tape for months.) I’m still in the same suite, so the air pressure just started pulling a serious breeze from the vent in my ceiling.

I should really go grab lunch…

Why, yes, that was thunder I heard. Good thing the window replacement is done.

Storm, smog and sky above LAX. I’ve seen one lightning bolt and heard a few thunderclaps. The darker clouds are bunched up over Palos Verdes.

Gnome 3.0 is seriously going to take some getting used to.

Gnome 3.0 is seriously going to take some getting used to.

I want my damn minimize button back. And I want to be able to switch to another app with one click, not two. Have I got a broken install?

Wow. Gnome 3.0 hides the “Power off” menu item. You can get at it by pressing Alt. Which I’m sure anyone would think of, right?

It’s funny how the last parking spaces to be filled are always the ones under the light poles. I only took one ONCE & had to wash my car…

It’s funny how the last parking spaces to be filled are always the ones under the light poles. I only took one ONCE & had to wash my car the next day. As near as I could tell, every bird in Norwalk had perched on that light during the course of the day.

App store for a computer? Great! As long as it never becomes the ONLY way to install software, like on the iPhone & iPad. #Apple

App store for a computer? Great! As long as it never becomes the ONLY way to install software, like on the iPhone & iPad. #Apple

The app store model has been available in major Linux distributions for years, but you can always add third-party software.

GUIs for Linux’s APT & Yum are basically app stores for free software. Linspire had an actual app store back in 2002 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNR_(software)

OK, that *is* an earthquake. For about 30 seconds I thought someone was stomping around or something.

OK, that *is* an earthquake. For about 30 seconds I thought someone was stomping around or something.

So, 5.9 quake near Anza Borrego. That was a *long* one. It felt like it lasted at least a minute from here.

Strike that – in the last couple of minutes they’ve downgraded it to 5.4.

Haven’t seen the #FlashForward finale yet. TV signal was bad, so we put in a Wonderfalls DVD instead. Planning to catch it on Hulu tomorrow.

Haven’t seen the #FlashForward finale yet. TV signal was bad, so we put in a Wonderfalls DVD instead. Planning to catch it on Hulu tomorrow.

That’s a huge change. You used to have to watch through the distortion, or hope for a rerun, or find someone in another area who taped it.

…or otherwise go through unofficial channels. Now, if technical problems screw up a broadcast, you’ve got Hulu, Amazon, iTunes, etc.