A #MonarchButterfly spotted over the weekend. Not sure what kind of flower it’s hiding behind.
Tag: MonarchButterfly
Monarch of the Pine
Monarch of the Pine
#butterfly #monarch #MonarchButterfly #nature #pines
Oh, cool, the Flickr post of this photo got featured on Explore!
A Monarch Butterfly spotted while walking around the neighborhood the other day.
A #MonarchButterfly spotted while walking around the neighborhood the other day.
#nature #photo #butterfly #flowers
I saw several monarch butterflies at the botanic gardens up in the hills yesterday
I saw several monarch butterflies at the botanic gardens up in the hills yesterday, but no more than about three at a time. Numbers have dropped drastically over the last few years.
#photo #butterfly #MonarchButterfly #nature
Some butterflies spotted over the last few days
Some #butterflies spotted over the last few days:
A monarch that nicely paused on the grass with its wings open, long enough to catch a clear photo.
A swallowtail that I sort of caught in flight, at a distance. It’s very low-resolution, but it’s also clearly identifiable!
A cabbage white that I was able to catch with a zoom lens.
On Photog.Social
Monarch on iNaturalist
Cabbage White on iNaturalist
Swallowtail on iNaturalist
A monarch butterfly in flight
A #monarch butterfly in flight. I’ve been seeing one or two each time I go for a walk in the neighborhood, but mostly they’re flying around too much for me to get a decent photo. This one decided to stick around this one bush for a while.
On Photog.Social
On iNaturalist
About a week later…
Someone on Flickr invited this photo to a UFO/paranormal/unexplained phenomena group. 😕
Maybe they meant to invite it to something else they manage?
Or are there butterfly UFO stories out there that I’m missing?
Spotted a Monarch butterfly today, and it actually landed and held still long enough for me to get a clear photo.
Spotted a #Monarch #butterfly today, and it actually landed and held still long enough for me to get a clear photo.
At least two, possibly three monarchs flying around a parking lot. They settled on this tree long enough for me to catch a couple of photos.
Monarch (in the sky)
Saw this lone monarch flying around above the sidewalk next to a busy street. Took my phone out on the off chance I might be able catch it in frame and maybe be able to tell it was orange in the picture. Had no idea I’d actually be able to see the pattern on the wings once I’d zoomed in on it!
Gulf Fritillary (SCBG on bush)
Gulf Fritillary
A few weeks ago I saw a lot of monarchs. Today I saw a lot of these.
A few of the *real* animals that I spotted on my hike in the botanical gardens
A few of the *real* animals that I spotted on my hike in the botanical gardens today: a #MonarchButterfly, a #BlackPhoebe, a #hummingbird and a #rabbit.
#animals #birds #butterflies #nature #inaturalist
On PixelFed.Social
Monarch on iNaturalist and Flickr
Black Phoebe on iNaturalist and Flickr
Hummingbird on iNaturalist and Flickr
Desert Cottontail on iNaturalist and Flickr
Two of many monarch butterflies I saw today on a walk at nearby botanical gardens. …
Two of many monarch butterflies I saw today on a walk at nearby botanical gardens. Most of them were too busy flying around to stop anywhere I could catch them on camera, but there were a few that paused long enough.
#butterflies #nature #photo #MonarchButterfly
Monarch (SCBG fence)
While I was watering the plants this morning, a monarch butterfly flew right past my …
While I was watering the plants this morning, a monarch butterfly flew right past my face, then on down the sidewalk, casually dodging (or checking out?) trees, and then went on its way.