American Pipit

Pipits Pipits

There were at least two, possibly three or four of these birds hopping around the grass next to a bike path. They weren’t easy to spot at a distance.

On iNaturalist

This bird’s new to me: apparently it’s an American pipit, also known as a buff-bellied pipit, a small ground-nesting insectivore. I spotted several of them walking around in the grass next to a bike path that’s just been closed down, though I could see them from the sidewalk with a zoom lens.

#birds #photo #pipit #nature


Some more house finches and a hummingbird.

Some more house finches and a hummingbird. Hummingbirds always look weird to me when they’re perched.

#photo #birds #finch #HouseFinch #hummingbird #nature

On Photog.Social
Finch (in grass) on Flickr

I must have seen over a dozen house finches on a very short walk today. I assume there’s a nest or several in the area.

Hummingbird on iNaturalist
Finch (on wire) on iNaturalist
Finch (in grass) on iNaturalist

A dove spotted this morning.

A dove spotted this morning. I just walked around the neighborhood and most of the birds I spotted were on cables like this.

Might be a mourning dove, turtle dove, or collared dove. If you happen to know, feel free to chime in at #iNaturalist:

#birds #photo #dove

White bird on cables

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On iNaturalist

Finally recovered enough from the flu to get out for a walk in the neighborhood (while that’s still an option).

Finally recovered enough from the flu to get out for a walk in the neighborhood (while that’s still an option).

I think this first bird (possibly a goldfinch?) was trying to practice social distancing, though the crow in the third photo seems to be doing a better job. The house finch was such a bright red that I thought it had to be another kind of bird until I looked at the photos.

#photo #birds #nature #finch #HouseFinch #goldfinch #crow

On Photog.Social
Expanded on K2R

Goldfinch(?) on iNaturalist
House Finch on iNaturalist

Another shot of wildflowers from the same hike

Another shot of #wildflowers from the same hike, closer to the parts of the marsh with water. The purple/white flowers are wild radish.

This one works better when viewed at a larger size. I think I like the yellow fiddlenecks shot better because it works at a smaller size too.

#photo #wildflowers #nature

kelsonv: Another shot of #wil

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