Two squirrels spotted on a hike last weekend: The good photos, and the two-seconds-later photos….

Two #squirrels spotted on a hike last weekend: The good photos, and the two-seconds-later photos.

The first one took a while for me to spot inside the bush (though I could hear it), and then it started chowing down on the berries.

The second one looked like it was checking both ways before crossing the street, and then it took off in a blur. So maybe it was.

#nature #animals

On Photog.Social

Fox Squirrel (vs. dog)

A squirrel on a tree trunk, pointed downward with its tail thrashing.

I saw this squirrel climb down a tree in a city park and start running across the ground. As I was getting my camera out, a dog spotted it, got away from its owner, ran after the squirrel and pounced. The squirrel jumped up onto this tree just in time and scurried up. The dog's owner called it back. And then the squirrel slowly climbed back down to this point (still higher than the dog's jump, just in case it came back) and paused to look around to make sure it was safe again.

On iNaturalist
On PixelFed.Social

Monarch (in the sky)


Saw this lone monarch flying around above the sidewalk next to a busy street. Took my phone out on the off chance I might be able catch it in frame and maybe be able to tell it was orange in the picture. Had no idea I’d actually be able to see the pattern on the wings once I’d zoomed in on it!

On iNaturalist

Mitred Parakeets: I stopped to grab coffee and heard the parakeets squawking in the trees.

Mitred Parakeets:

I stopped to grab coffee and heard the parakeets squawking in the trees. These were the first two I spotted, and they stayed together like that for the whole time I was there.


On PixelFed.Social
On iNaturalist

The squirrel turned around and planted itself firmly, staring at me as if ready to defend its hoard.

I saw this squirrel running across the grass, then got my camera out and caught the first photo as it ran up the side of a tree and paused, looking at me as if assessing whether I was a threat or not. Then it ran the rest of the way up to look at a gap in the tree, perhaps assuring itself that its stash was still where it had left it. I walked around to see that there was a hollow between the two major branches, and the squirrel turned around and planted itself firmly, staring at me as if ready to defend its hoard.

My photos taken, I walked away.

#squirrel #nature #trees

On PixelFed.Social