Tag: nature
Some sort of moss or lichen on this tree in a city park.
A Gray Hairstreak butterfly
Not the one from the previous photo, but another one spotted on the same hike.
Fiery Skipper
I haven’t been keeping up with all the times I’ve seen these butterflies. Just sort of “oh, another fiery skipper.” And I’ve been skipping them. Anyway, here’s one of three I saw along the same stretch of Chalksticks along the sidewalk today.
American Coot
Canada Goose
Interesting rolling shutter effect on this butterfly’s wings as they moved too fast for the camera’s sensor
Interesting #RollingShutter effect on this #butterfly’s wings as they moved too fast for the camera’s sensor. Probably a #GrayHairstreak.
Snowy Egret
One of about a dozen egrets I saw when I got to the last remaining ponds at the marsh toward the end of summer.
Gray Hairstreak
Black Phoebe (small & fluffy, Madrona)
American Lady
Wild Buckwheats
My 1000th observation posted to iNaturalist!
My 1000th observation posted to #iNaturalist!
Normally I have to take photos of doves with a zoom lens, but this one was just calmly sitting in a tree, making its “Ooh-Ooh” call. It didn’t even fly off when I walked around the tree to get a better angle with my phone.
Most likely a Eurasian Collared Dove, one of several types I’ve seen around the Los Angeles area.
…I’ve kind of slowed down a bit since I’ve identified all the weeds and butterflies and birds in this part of the city, so I have to go farther out to find something new. But I’m also still going through my backlog of old photos.
A Gulf Fritillary butterfly. A few weeks ago at the same gardens…
A Gulf Fritillary butterfly. A few weeks ago at the same gardens, I saw tons of monarchs. This time I saw a lot of these.
#photo #butterflies #GulfFritillary #nature
Tree Squirrels
I saw zillions of these yellow butterflies, but none of them would hold still long enough to photograph!
The original photo was way overexposed. I’ve tried to adjust it both to bring out the detail that was washed out without messing up the color balance too badly.