As I recall, this heron was standing on the off-limits section of the pond shoreline, which the park’s website refers to as a “wildlife refuge” but isn’t particularly big.
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As I recall, this heron was standing on the off-limits section of the pond shoreline, which the park’s website refers to as a “wildlife refuge” but isn’t particularly big.
Finding animals I didn’t know about in my old photos: This duck might be a wigeon, which is a type of bird I’d never heard of before, but appears to be relatively common.
#ducks #birds #iNaturalist #wigeon
Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block. I really like the landscape crop showing the fiery skipper as it flies from one flower to the next…but after I cropped it, I noticed the bee also flying in the foreground of the original, and I just had to find a way to keep them both in the frame and still draw attention to them.
#nature #butterflies #bees #photo
On Photog.Social
Skipper Close-Up (iNat)
Realized this isn’t iceplant. INat suggests it’s in the Kleinia genus, but I’m not sure beyond that.
Follow-up: The plant is Blue Chalksticks.
A common buckeye #butterfly spotted on a walk around the block. #nature
There were two of these butterflies, the other in much better shape in terms of both wings and color, but that one was too far away to capture a picture with my phone.
This was in front of an office building that’s currently being remodeled as a hotel. At the time it was still open, but they’d already stopped seriously maintaining the grounds, so seeds from the landscaping trees actually had time to grow.