Tag: phoebe
Camera-shy Black Phoebe
A very camera-shy #BlackPhoebe. This was the clearest view I managed to get.
A California Scrub Jay and a Black Phoebe looking oddly similar this morning.
A California Scrub Jay and a Black Phoebe looking oddly similar this morning.
Black Phoebes
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebes: Area Closed
Believe it or not, these are two different black phoebes on two different “area closed” signs in the same park at the same time!
Black Phoebe
Two birds spotted while hiking the trails on top of the coastal bluffs
Two birds spotted while hiking the trails on top of the coastal bluffs southwest of Los Angeles. First a lesser goldfinch, which took me forever to actually catch on camera (there were 3 or 4 of them flitting around and not stopping for very long anywhere!) and a black phoebe that was perched a few yards from the trail.
#birds #photo #nature #finch #phoebe
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe
Say’s Phoebe
I’m not 100% certain – the yellowish color is mostly from the sunset lighting – but the head doesn’t seem to have the shape I’m used to seeing on Black Phoebes, which I see a lot more of here, and I have seen Say’s Phoebes in the area.
Black Phoebe (on top of wall)
A couple of Black Phoebes spotted in the cherry grove.
A couple of Black Phoebes spotted in the cherry grove.
Some days I spot a lot of birds at these gardens, some days (like on this one) I mostly just hear them. Though I was at least able to *see* some red-tailed hawks circling way up in the sky, even though I couldn’t get any photos of them.
On Photog.Social
On Flickr
On Flickr
On iNaturalist
On iNaturalist
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebes are one of those birds that I never noticed until a couple of years ago
Black Phoebes are one of those birds that I never noticed until a couple of years ago, but now I see them *all the time*. I’m fairly certain they’ve been here all along and I just wasn’t paying enough attention to birds before.
Birds against blurry backgrounds: Black Phoebe
And one more in this series of “Birds against blurry backgrounds” from Monday’s walk, a black phoebe.
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe
This shot of the same Black Phoebe came out a lot better!
This shot of the same Black Phoebe (after it started to fly off, then decided to just land back on another post) came out a lot better!
#birds #photo #nature