I always think birds look weird when you can only see the backs of their heads.

#Fotofails: I had a lot of trouble getting the camera to focus on this Black Phoebe and not the tree behind it, but that wasn’t the problem in this shot. I always think birds look weird when you can only see the backs of their heads.

kelsonv: “#Fotofails: I had a lot of tro…”

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On iNaturalist

Some wildlife I spotted on a hike today.

Some wildlife I spotted on a hike today. It was really nice in the shade, but it was also very hilly, and uncomfortably warm in the sun. I ended up staggering back to the car at the end.

The yellow and black bird is some sort of oriole. The black and white one is a black phoebe. I think the rabbit is a desert cottontail.

#nature #birds #rabbits #animals #wildlife #hiking #photo

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Some bluebirds spotted at a park

Some #bluebirds spotted at a park. There’s a corner that’s landscaped with plants that are a bit better suited for more birds and butterflies than the usual giant lawn with a few trees, and I’ve seen bluebirds, phoebes, towhees and others in the area.

I’m not sure if they’re female or juvenile (only adult males are bright bright blue), but you can see the blue on their wings…and how well their bodies blend in with the ground.

#birds #nature #photo

On Photog.Social

Perching bluebird on iNaturalist
Ground-level bluebird on iNaturalist and alternate shot on Flickr

Some birds I saw on a hike today

Some #birds I saw on a hike today:

  1. One of several Black Phoebes I saw around the grounds of the park
  2. A California Towhee that had just chased another bird away from this puddle.
  3. One of the clearest views I’ve had of a hummingbird away from a feeder.
  4. Possibly a goldfinch? There were a bunch of them in the same bush.

#nature #photo

On Photog.Social
Black Phoebe on iNaturalist
California Towhee on iNaturalist
Hummingbird on iNaturalist
Lesser Goldfinch on iNaturalist