Tag: Photo (check)
Fox Squirrel
Western Fence Lizards (on curb)
Both lizards were doing make-myself-look-big pushups.
Fiery Skipper
Yep, still seeing fiery skippers in the area.
Mitred Parakeets: I stopped to grab coffee and heard the parakeets squawking in the trees.
Mitred Parakeets:
I stopped to grab coffee and heard the parakeets squawking in the trees. These were the first two I spotted, and they stayed together like that for the whole time I was there.
Mitred Parakeet
I’m not sure how many were in the hollow at the top of this palm tree. It might have just been the two.
Mitred Parakeet
Another one in the same tree as the first two that I spotted.
This granola bar looks disturbingly like a small piece of thin chipboard.
This granola bar looks disturbingly like a small piece of thin chipboard.
At least it tastes better.
Not what they usually mean by a public toilet.
Not what they usually mean by a public toilet.
Fox Squirrel
Common Duckweed
California Harvester Ant
Fox Squirrel
Mealtime, apparently. And it wasn’t concerned with me at all.