Tag: Photo (check)
Western Gull (diving toward ocean)
This is a tree that grew from seed in the back yard over the course of 2-3 years.
This is a tree that grew from seed in the back yard over the course of 2-3 years. I don’t remember why we decided not to pull it out as a weed when it started. I think we were just curious to see what it was. I never did find that out, but it took over the entire corner.
Other iNaturalist users have suggested it’s a silk oak.
I don’t think there’s *quite* enough detail on the seagull here to identify the species!
I found this while looking for old pictures to submit to iNaturalist. I don’t think there’s *quite* enough detail on the seagull here to identify the species!
The ship, incidentally, is the Queen Mary, launched in the 1930s as a transatlantic liner. It’s been permanently docked in Long Beach, California for several decades and is now run as a hotel.
#FotoFails #Seagull #ship #QueenMary #California
Artist’s Bracket and Allies
Grey Geese
Grey Geese
Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Carolina Sphinx (caterpillar)
Western Gull
Mallard (Wilderness Park)
Russian Thistles (small, in wood chips)
California Scrub-Jay (bike path)
I could hear an unfamiliar bird from halfway down the block and went looking for it, then finally found this in a tree. It stayed put longer than I expected, then flew off to the next tree over.
Common Buckeye
This particular corner seems popular with butterflies. Just about every time I walk by, I see at least two or three.
blue-eyed grasses
Great Heron (at Polliwog Park)
As I recall, this heron was standing on the off-limits section of the pond shoreline, which the park’s website refers to as a “wildlife refuge” but isn’t particularly big.