I’m really not sure FAP was the best choice of an acronym here.
Tag: Photo (check)
Mammas, don’t let your babies grow up to be Jedi.
Mammas, don’t let your babies grow up to be Jedi. #starwars #lightsaber
Walking home.
Ermahgerd! (IRL)
Ermahgerd! When memes crawl off the internet and into the real world.
Here comes the train again.
Century Blvd closed down for protest march near LAX
Oops! Oops!
My 2-year-old took one look at this giant #turkey at TJs, pointed and excitedly said “Oops! Oops!” in reference to Sandra Boynton’s “Blue Hat, Green Hat.” #thanksgiving
Remember when Cheerios were healthy?
I’m really not sure it was such a good idea to put a Cylon in charge of the lights.
Yellow clouds near sunset.
Yellow clouds near sunset. It looked like the thicker clouds were actually raining – in fact, we could see a fragment of rainbow off to the right of the frame – but there was no sign of the rain actually reaching the ground anywhere.
They came out a bit too orange, now that I look at them again. But the golden hour sunlight reflected off of the cloud cover made for eerie lightning. It reminded me a bit of being in the smoke plume of a wildfire, except for the fact that the air was clear. (Clearer than usual, actually, with the Santa Anas blowing.)
I voted / coffee
A (palm) shadow lies over Macy*s.
A (palm) #shadow lies over Macy*s.
Halloween moon
Eucalyptus sunset
The Food Allergy Walk was a success.
The Food Allergy Walk was a success. Our team raised over $1,300, and the event overall raised about $45,000 (and that’s only the online donations.) Plus we got to hang out with family.
At Marina Green Park in Long Beach
We used to joke about toothpaste with oat bran
At the height of the oat bran craze, we used to joke about toothpaste with oat bran. I never thought i’d actually see it.
Toast prep with food allergies – we had a close call recently
Toast prep with #foodallergies – we had a close call recently
Endeavour Parked in LA