I startled a group of around four or five finches on a lawn and they flew up to the nearest cables.
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I startled a group of around four or five finches on a lawn and they flew up to the nearest cables.
Yeah, I realize my explanation for why I’m out here is a bit Farfetch’d, but it’s the truth. You wanna make something of it?
Yeah, I could use one too, but it turns out they don’t have any at this time of day.
Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve had a donut since last March. I used to only have them when someone brought a box in at work, or occasionally I’d stop by a donut shop on the way to work. Neither of those have happened for a while.
Most of the geese were toward the back of the park, not out front like they are sometimes.
Sometimes I’ll see a whole flock of coots at this pond, sometimes a handful. Today I only saw one.
I don’t think I’ve seen this variety of succulent flowering before. It looks like an overturned Ferroseed or the plant version of the Omnidroid from The Incredibles.
This crow started swooping toward a hawk almost as soon as it perched on top of an electrical transmission tower. It tried a bunch of times to scare it off, but the hawk ignored it.
This hawk glided across the sky, then alighted on top of an electrical transmission tower. Almost immediately, a crow started trying to scare it off, swooping toward it repeatedly. The hawk remained unfazed and just stayed put while I walked around to the other side of the tower.
Warning, schmorning. I perch where I want!
(To be fair, the kingbird is unlikely to dig into the pipeline. Or damage the sign. Much.)
Two (probably red-tailed) hawks spotted on an electrical tower, one looking north, one looking east. I often see one perched up there, watching for prey, but rarely two!
I don’t usually see *two* hawks on this tower!