Yeah, I realize my explanation for why I’m out here is a bit Farfetch’d, but it’s the truth. You wanna make something of it?

A birdlike Pokemon carrying a leek over its shoulder inserted into a photo of a nature scene with tree branches, reeds and an empty field.

Yeah, I realize my explanation for why I’m out here is a bit Farfetch’d, but it’s the truth. You wanna make something of it?

#pokemon #nature #farfetchd #reeds #marsh

On PixelFed.Social

Anita Donut

Sign stack at a mini mall with various business names including

Yeah, I could use one too, but it turns out they don’t have any at this time of day.

#puns #signs #donuts


Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve had a donut since last March. I used to only have them when someone brought a box in at work, or occasionally I’d stop by a donut shop on the way to work. Neither of those have happened for a while.