American Crow


I’ve mostly stopped taking pictures of crows to submit here, because they’re so common. But this one was just standing on top of a hedge as I walked quickly along the sidewalk. It didn’t budge. So I stopped, grabbed my phone, and took a bunch of pictures from maybe 6 feet away. I even moved to get a better angle and it didn’t fly off, just kept looking around while staying put.

On iNaturalist

Uploaded a handful of bird photos ranging 2004-2015.

Uploaded a handful of #bird #photos ranging 2004-2015.

I imagine this #seagull reading the “No fishing” sign and being very disappointed.

An #egret wading in a marsh.

And another egret (I thought it was a crane at the time, but 3 people have IDed it as an egret) that I caught walking by the side of the road.

Funny thing is: I didn’t use the Flickr-to-#iNaturalist importer for these. On Flickr I posted the full, composed shots. For iNat, I wanted to crop them to show the birds more clearly.

On Photog.Social

Gray Whales

Gray Whales

This was my first digital camera, and my first real frustrating experience with the delay between pressing the button and actually capturing the image. It’s just not fast enough to capture an image of a whale breaching the surface.

I have lots of pictures of splashes.

This was the best image I got where you can actually see part of a whale!

On iNaturalist

I spotted some of these feral parrots in the grocery store parking lot today.

Green and red parakeet in a palm tree, grooming its leg.

Green and red parakeet in a palm tree.

Green and red parakeet in a palm tree, looking sideways.

Two of these parakeets flew across the grocery store parking lot into a palm tree, squawking as they went. I could only spot one of them once they’d settled, but I managed to get almost a dozen photos of it while it sat there.

On iNaturalist

Link: Feral Parrots Are Taking Over America!

“These birds, descendants of escaped pets, have managed to create thriving colonies in these cities despite the annual cold weather.”


I spotted some of these feral #parrots in the grocery store parking lot today. Two #parakeets flew across the lot into a palm tree, squawking as they went. I could only spot one of them once they’d settled, but I managed to get almost a dozen photos of it while it sat there.

#birds #parakeets #FeralParakeets #FeralParrots
#nature #wildlife #photos

On Photog.Social

TODO: combine with this post and others