Two hawks circling off in the distance

Gray sky with two birds silhouetted in the distance, their wings stretched out almost flat as they glide.

I saw two hawks circling off in the distance to the northeast, then they chased a few crows toward and past me. Sadly I couldn’t catch a picture as they passed above. But a few minutes later I saw these two hawks – probably the same ones – circling in the distance to the southwest. I’ve seen both Red-Tailed Hawks and Cooper’s Hawks in the area, but I think these look more like red-tailed hawks.

On iNaturalist

I always think birds look weird when you can only see the backs of their heads.

#Fotofails: I had a lot of trouble getting the camera to focus on this Black Phoebe and not the tree behind it, but that wasn’t the problem in this shot. I always think birds look weird when you can only see the backs of their heads.

kelsonv: “#Fotofails: I had a lot of tro…”

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On iNaturalist

Indian Hawthorn flowers in bloom

Indian Hawthorn flowers in bloom. The empty lot is the greenbelt under a set of transmission wires. Hawthorns will grow as bushes, and make up a *lot* of hedges around here, but they can also be trained to grow upward and pruned into trees. There are several spaced along this block at the same stage of growth.

#flowers #photo #spring

Indian Hawthorn flowers in bloom

Indian Hawthorn flowers in bloom

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