Musical Weekend

Friday night alenxa and I went to a Gin Blossoms concert in Cerritos. They spent most of the show alternating between songs from the new album (which is surprisingly good) and their old standards. Encore was 2 covers: Rocketman and something I didn’t recognize.

Funniest remark: “We don’t get to play many Performing Arts Centers. Mostly we play casinos and dog pounds.”

Saturday I spent some time filling in random songs for our music collection, going with Amazon’s DRM-less plain old MP3s when possible and iTunes when not.

Sunday we watched Phantom of the Paradise, a truly bizarre mash-up of Phantom of the Opera and Faust set in a satire of the 1970s rock music industry.

Fogging Things Up

  1. When I got out of bed, alenxa said, “Hey, there’s fog out there!” A half an hour earlier, when she’d gotten up, it had been clear. By the time we left for work, all that was left was just enough haze to maximize glare and make the broken sun visor and lack of sunglasses a problem. We did get a great view of one of the ex-marine base blimp hangars where the near end was perfectly visible, but it faded into the fog so that the far end was completely hidden. (Naturally, by the time I dug the camera out, the light turned green and we didn’t get a picture.)
  2. There’s something fascinating about the high-tech/low-tech contrast in surgery where the instruments consist of a styrofoam cup and a long Q-tip. OK, the cup has to be full of liquid nitrogen, but it just seems so simple.
  3. Last week I got into work and said to a co-worker, “Is it just me, or do people not know how to drive in the rain?” “I think they just don’t know how to drive.” I spent nearly 10 minutes at a turn signal this morning because some idiot didn’t notice it turned green, and the next car was a big two-piece truck with no acceleration capability whatsoever. And then there was the freeway…
  4. Amazon’s shipping decisions just don’t make any sense. Last week I placed an order for three items (so I could hit that magic $25 and get free shipping). I checked the box to lump everything into as few shipments as possible. So of course they decided to just ship two of them. Then they shipped the third the next day. Yesterday, the second shipment arrived, but I’m still waiting for the first. Edit: The first package arrived today. It seems holiday shipping is already in full swing, because the UPS guy showed up around 7:30.
  5. Server room is freezing. This is good. When it isn’t, my boss says things like “You can smell the electronics trying to die!” And things crash. And we have to spend half the day fixing things that crash.
  6. Speaking of things that crash, I’m getting very annoyed at Microsoft’s decision in MFC 7.0 to stop hiding menus and toolbars in Print Preview mode.

Milking the jokes

Very very early Saturday morning (after the post-TMBG concert trip to Denny’s) I mentioned to alenxa, “I’ve already forgotten the name of the opening act.”

Her: “Corn Mo'”

Me: “Ah. All I could think of was Moo Cow.”

And yes, he really was as bad as sekl described.

Current Mood: working
Current Music: TMBG: Birdhouse In Your Soul (still in my head)


Off to the annual CHP Retreat this weekend. We were determined to go since we missed last year, but with so much last-minute wedding preparation going on, it’s beginning to look less like a fantastic idea. Or rather more like a good idea with a high cost.

Still, the eve of such a trip is a perfect time to review quotes from campouts past.

I mean, who could forget such gems as “Hold it there, Tyler, we’re going to take a picture of your… pickle” and “She’s like a little snowman… from hell!” And of course, “We can’t have scones running around unzipped, can we?”

I wonder if anyone collected quotes on last year’s trip?

Current Mood: 🙁exhausted