I’m a hobbyist photographer in the Los Angeles area. I mostly go for scenic …

#introductions #reintroductions

I’m a hobbyist photographer in the Los Angeles area. I mostly go for scenic #photography, nature or architecture. I also look for funny/odd sights, and cosplay photos at comic conventions.

My main Mastodon account is @KelsonV, and I also talk about books & comics at @KelsonReads



Other photo sharing sites:

On Photog.Social

Hello, my name is Kelson. I’m a computer programmer in the Los Angeles area…

#reintroductions #introductions Hello, my name is Kelson. I’m a computer programmer in the #LosAngeles area. I like #scifi, #fantasy & #comics (behind on a lot, keeping up w/ #TheFlash, Saga & #JessicaJones). I tend to talk about #webdevelopment and #tech, and I still have a #blog.

I also talk about #books at @KelsonReads (currently reading Sparrow Hill Road) & post scenic #photography at @kelsonv

On Wandering.shop