Anyway, the “Everybody Dies: Shakespeare’s Tragedies” poster

Anyway, the “Everybody Dies: Shakespeare’s Tragedies” poster.

#Shakespeare #Theatre

[dead link]

Unfortunately it’s hard to read at this size, so here’s an article with an earlier draft that went viral (the artist shows up in the comments to plug the official poster):

[dead link]

List of restroom door-style stick figures being stabbed, having heads removed, drowning, etc to represent all the deaths in Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, etc



Spent Thanksgiving Day with the in-laws, who were helping host a huge Thanksgiving dinner for people at their church. So instead of the 8-12 people I’m used to for holiday dinners, it was 24. Hectic, but I discovered that I’m actually good at playing Jenga. (I swear, I haven’t played the game since college, and I don’t remember being any good at it at the time.)

With the warm weather, I’d been joking that we should have a Thanksgiving barbecue. The first thing I saw when we got there: a barbecue. Okay, it was being used to cook a turkey, but still…

There was also the highest pie-to-person ratio I have seen in a long time. I think there must have been at least 10 pies, if not a dozen. Probably enough for everyone there to eat half a pie!

We stayed in on Friday, avoiding the insanity of Black Friday sales (though I did look through the 15 or so emails from various online stores whose lists I’m on), then drove up to Westwood in the evening to see Equivocation (Shakespeare gets caught up in the aftermath of the Gunpowder Plot).

Current Music: Some video game from someone else in the waiting room at the car service dept