Sick (probably not COVID)

I figured the sore legs were probably from biking up & down 6 miles of hills yesterday
The neck pain from sitting propped up in a posture that i know gives me neck pain
The fatigue from not sleeping well
Light headedness could be migraine related
But then the chills started. And the fever hit.

Home COVID test came out negative, going to take a pcr tomorrow. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten sick with COVID like symptoms but a negative test.

No one else in the kid’s class has come down with COVID, so that’s good. Also means I’m not likely to have caught it from him, since he hasn’t shown any sign of it since the exposure alert

I don’t remember what I wanted to do this weekend, but it’s cancelled now

When your head feels hot and the rest of you feels cold, you know something’s not right

I’m really annoyed trying to figure out where I could’ve gotten it.

If it’s stealth COVID, it may have been from sitting outside Starbucks on Monday. But again, I was outside most of the time and wore an N95 to walk inside to order.

If it’s the flu, it might be the restaurant I got takeout from last night. I had to wait longer than anticipated. But again, masked while inside.

I could’ve just been unlucky and hit the 5% chance.
