Saw this while walking around the other day.
Tag: signs
Glanced at this while passing a store the other day and had to do a …
Glanced at this while passing a store the other day and had to do a double take because the first time I misread it as ALIENS FOR EVERY CONDITION.
#signs #misread
Saw this while walking around the neighborhood the other day. Please do not taunt it.
Saw this while walking around the neighborhood the other day.
Please do not taunt it.
Sign at a local bar/club/lounge on a partly cloudy day.
Sign at a local bar/club/lounge on a partly cloudy day.
This is the same place that proclaimed “We missed some of you!” when they reopened after the winter pandemic surge shutdown.
I think they’ve mostly been doing “patio” dining in the parking lot, but inside gathering spots have been slowly reopening over the last month or so as case rates plummet in California and vaccination rates climb.
Anita Donut
Yeah, I could use one too, but it turns out they don’t have any at this time of day.
Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve had a donut since last March. I used to only have them when someone brought a box in at work, or occasionally I’d stop by a donut shop on the way to work. Neither of those have happened for a while.
Warning, schmorning. I perch where I want!
Warning, schmorning. I perch where I want!
(To be fair, the kingbird is unlikely to dig into the pipeline. Or damage the sign. Much.)
Finally made it out to the botanical gardens up in the hills for a hike.
Finally made it out to the botanical gardens up in the hills for a hike. They’ve actually stayed open this whole time by requiring reservations to limit the number of people on the grounds at a time. (Also face masks, distancing, and closing off benches and some sections.)
Ironically there were more people there than I usually see. The limits must be against an increased demand due to the fact that they were actually open!
#nature #signs #bench #trail #closed #hiking #mask #photo
Wrong way
I went a bit overboard with finding whimsical “adventures” for the Flickr panda…
I went a bit overboard with finding #whimsical “adventures” for the Flickr #panda during their planned downtime to disentangle from Yahoo’s datacenter. I think I’ll go with the #coffee mug shot once uploads are working again.
Full 12-photo “Good Panda” gallery on my blog.
Complete Flickr gallery.
Heed the signs
Snap crackled “Stop”
I stopped frequenting Barnes & Noble a while back because they were so determined to sell you a Nook and get you out of the store…
I stopped frequenting Barnes & Noble a while back because they were so determined to sell you a Nook and get you out of the store. Now they’re selling vinyl records. #bookstore #reversal #signs #vinyl
Icy Hot?
It’s hard for me to really pick a photo that says “warmth.” Perspective on cold is different in Southern California, where winters approach but rarely drop below freezing, and the winter rains make December through April the greenest months of the year. So we don’t use fires much, and flowers and greenery make me think of the cool winter/spring weather instead of the hot, dry, brown summers. Even beaches make me think of late afternoon ocean breezes.
So I thought I’d pull out a shot for irony: An “Icy” warning sign somewhere in the San Gabriel Mountains, seen during the warmth of spring…when it most definitely isn’t icy!
This hurt to read
Out of phase, or just different hemispheres?
Out of phase, or just different hemispheres?
Last lighting? What about the first?
Last lighting? What about the first? #signs #misreading #street #whenabbreviationsgobad #sidewalk
If only there were a simple word to describe frozen water…
If only there were a simple word to describe frozen water…
#signs #hotel #sanfrancisco (forgot to post this when I got back)