Looking through photos I somehow missed posting before. Here's a #FierySkipper #butterfly spotted last summer. #nature
Tag: skipper
Fiery Skipper
White Checkered-Skipper (on puncture vine above Bluff Cove)
Fiery Skipper (on yellow flower cluster)
Fiery Skipper
I haven’t been keeping up with all the times I’ve seen these butterflies. Just sort of “oh, another fiery skipper.” And I’ve been skipping them. Anyway, here’s one of three I saw along the same stretch of Chalksticks along the sidewalk today.
Hey look, nectar!
Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block…
Two crops of the same photo taken on a quick walk around the block. I really like the landscape crop showing the fiery skipper as it flies from one flower to the next…but after I cropped it, I noticed the bee also flying in the foreground of the original, and I just had to find a way to keep them both in the frame and still draw attention to them.
#nature #butterflies #bees #photo
On Photog.Social
Skipper Close-Up (iNat)
Realized this isn’t iceplant. INat suggests it’s in the Kleinia genus, but I’m not sure beyond that.
Follow-up: The plant is Blue Chalksticks.
Fiery Skipper (blue chalksticks)
Fiery Skipper (ragged)
There were two of these butterflies, the other in much better shape in terms of both wings and color, but that one was too far away to capture a picture with my phone.
I saw a lot of butterflies at Madrona Marsh over the weekend…
Photo taken at: Madrona Marsh Preserve and Nature Center
I saw a lot of #butterflies at #MadronaMarsh over the weekend, including some pale yellow ones and some black ones and even a few monarchs, plus a lot of these white and orange ones. #iNaturalist narrows them down to the Pontia & Hylephila genuses (geni?). #nature
According to biophilic1 on iNaturalist, these are a Checkered White and a Fiery Skipper.