Birds of Madrona Marsh

#Birds of #MadronaMarsh. There were a zillion red-winged blackbirds, at least one group of goldfinches, some starlings, and of course the usual geese and ducks.

#nature #Blackbird #RedWingedBlackbird #Goldfinch #Starling #Goose #CanadaCoose #Sparrow

I saw one of these birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it.

Close-up of a small light brown bird with black wings, a white head with black stripes on it, and a yellow beak, perched in a sparse, dry bush.

I saw one of these #birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it. I took another, slow, careful step. Another #sparrow flew out of the bush, across the path, and into the tree. I stopped again.

This went on for about FIVE MORE ROUNDS before a couple of them flew into another bush and stopped where I could SEE them!

Then one of them flew off while I was aiming. 🤦

#nature #persistence #WhiteCrownedSparrow

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House Sparrows

House Sparrow House Sparrow House Sparrow House Sparrow House Sparrow

A male and female house sparrow hopped across the street together, then stopped in the middle of the bike path and started mating. A second male sparrow showed up and the two males fought briefly. I think it was the second one that flew away. Then the female sparrow flew to the grass at the side of the path and they picked up where they left off.

On iNaturalist

A white-crowned sparrow, spotted in the brush at the top of the bluffs at Point Vicente

A white-crowned sparrow, spotted in the brush at the top of the bluffs at Point Vicente.

These birds *really* blend in well with the dry brush and dirt – it was really hard to see them except when they stopped somewhere with contrast like this.

#photo #birds #sparrow #nature

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On iNaturalist