A fox #squirrel spotted running across the lawn at the park.
Tag: Squirrel
“Oh…um…hi there…”
Blinking Squirrel
I took so many photos of this #squirrel trying to get a good shot yesterday that I caught it blinking.
This Say’s Phoebe, unlike the squirrel, was kind (or unconcerned) enough to stay put…
This Say’s Phoebe, unlike the squirrel, was kind (or unconcerned) enough to stay put while I walked around it to get both a better angle and better light. #birds #nature #SaysPhoebe
This squirrel kept pausing just long enough for me to aim the camera, then darting off
This squirrel kept pausing just long enough for me to aim the camera, then darting off.
Reach for it!
Fox Squirrel
Fox Squirrel
This squirrel ran along the top of the fence at the edge of a park and then climbed into a tree.
California Ground Squirrel
OneThree of four ground squirrels I saw, three outside the chain-link-enclosed area where they seem to live.
This one was looking around outside the fence before it ran inside, joining another one that I hadn’t seen until they both started moving.
This one was eating, then ran back to the fence for safety as I got closer, looked around for a bit before diving inside.
This one was darting around the lawn nearby.
Hungry Squirrel / Guard Duty
I went to the same park again today. I spotted a Fox Squirrel eating a pine cone in a tree elsewhere in the park, and a California Ground Squirrel standing guard outside the enclosure’s chain link fence.
Seriously, it. did. not. move. for several minutes while another ground squirrel ran inside the fence and waited, and I moved to a better angle for photos, until it abruptly turned around and ran through or under the fence.
On Photog.Social
Fox squirrel on iNaturalist
Ground Squirrel on iNaturalist
Another Ground Squirrel on iNaturalist
California ground squirrels looking out from their burrows and climbing around on the tree stumps.
A week later, all the weeds in the enclosure where I saw the hawk have been cleared out and the feral palm trees cut down.
That’s probably why I was able to get a clear view of some of the ground squirrels, looking out from their burrows and climbing around on the tree stumps.
At the same park where I spotted a Cooper’s Hawk and a ground squirrel a week or two ago, in a fenced-off area around a pair of electric transmission towers. Since then, all the weeds and feral palm trees have been cleared out, leaving nearly bare ground, but the squirrels are still there, climbing around on the stumps and burrowing.
Single squrirel on iNaturalist
Pair of squirrels on iNaturalist
Fox Squirrel (Wilson Park, on lawn)
Fox Squirrel
Caught in the act
I spotted this squirrel as it ran up to the trash can opening. Once it decided I wasn’t going to leave, it jumped down, then ran past the trash can and apparently found something to eat, though I couldn’t see what.
I saw this squirrel a few lots down the street while I was out walking.
I saw this #squirrel a few lots down the street while I was out walking. It paused. I paused. I got my camera out. It stood up to look around. I kept my camera out. Then it slowly ran down the street almost but not quite in my direction until it passed about 4 feet away, then paused in the shade before continuing on its way. I think it started trying to determine whether I was a threat or not, and then whether I was likely to give it food or leave it alone. #nature
California Ground Squirrel
I see tree squirrels around town all the time, but this is the first ground #squirrel I’ve spotted in ages. You can tell by the narrower tail. and the pattern of the fur.
And when I moved too fast it dove into the hole instead of running off.
This squirrel ran across the street, under a car, across a lawn and up into a tree.
This #squirrel ran across the street, under a car, across a lawn and up into a tree.
Nervous Squirrel
I heard chattering and slowly walked toward this tree in a city park. Once I got to it, I stopped, and slowly looked around until I spotted the #squirrel up in the branches, just looking at me and waving its tail very rapidly. I took two photos, then walked away.