Cooper’s Hawk (in tree, portrait)

A medium-sized brown bird with black stripes on the tail, mottled white/gray on the wings and head, yellow eyes and a sharp, hooked beak, perched on a tree branch and backlit with sky and green leaves behind it.

Probably a Cooper’s Hawk, also spotted on the same walk this afternoon. It flew up to a telephone pole, alighted there for a few seconds, and as I was trying to line up a shot with the camera, it took off again, then flew a few houses down the street to perch in this tree.

#nature #birds #hawk

On iNaturalist
Full Photo (also on Flickr)

TODO: Full image is on Flickr. Is this crop there also? Is either on K2R?

It’s the first day of the City Nature Challenge!

This weekend, try to observe as many wild plants and animals in your neighborhood as you can, especially in urban areas.

Here are some #birds I spotted on a late afternoon walk today, including a sparrow, one of many many finches, two doves, and what I think might be two blackbirds (yes, including the gray one).


More info: City Nature Challenge

House Sparrow on iNaturalist
Eurasian Collared-Dove (on post) on iNaturalist
Eurasian Collared-Dove (on cable) On iNaturalist
Brewer’s Blackbird (on post) on iNaturalist
Brewer’s Blackbird (on cable) on iNaturalist

SDCC TBT! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper

! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper from Read or Die, at Comic Con International in 2009.

Photo taken at: Comic-Con International at San Diego Convention Center

#SDCC #TBT! @casualcosplaykatie & Speed Force’s own @kelsonv as Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick & Yomiko Readman aka The Paper from Read or Die, at Comic Con International in 2009.

Sadly, we don’t have anyone on site at #ComicCon this year. We’re following along online with everyone else! (We’ve posted this a couple of times, so I thought I’d try some post-processing using AfterFocus to blur the background. Not bad, though the edges are a little sharp.)

NOTE: The original photo is on K2R, Flickr and Speed Force. Need to see if I’ve used (or at least saved!) the background-blurred version anywhere already.

The last of the seasonal wetlands at Madrona Marsh…

Photo taken at: Madrona Marsh Preserve and Nature Center

The last of the seasonal wetlands at Madrona Marsh, a nature preserve surrounded by suburban Torrance, California. These pools spread over the grounds each winter and spring with storm water, and dry out each summer.

And it really is surrounded by the city. Housing tracts on two sides, retail on the third, and a Target on the fourth, just a few dozen yards to the right of this spot.

#marsh #trees #nature #madrona #madronamarsh #torrance #whpmyoasis #water #california #southbay

Note: check description on Flickr

Spotted on the inside of the restroom at the ER waiting room yesterday. It looks like I’m not the only one who was desperate to get out of there by the end.

Spotted on the inside of the restroom at the ER waiting room yesterday. It looks like I’m not the only one who was desperate to get out of there by the end.

Spotted on the inside of the restroom at the ER waiting room yesterday. It looks like I’m not the only one who was desperate to get out of there by the end.

Follow-up on Tumblr:

One of those things that could be harmless (but painful) or could be a sign of something seriously bad, but tests came out normal. At least this year I didn’t miss out on any of the convention days we had tickets for.