Tag: voting
Question to Californians
I realized yesterday that during the entire campaign season, I hadn’t seen a single sign, commercial or mailer for the Senate race (unless you count the “Please make your entire ballot look like this” cards that various groups send out). Hadn’t heard a radio ad. Hadn’t even received a robocall. Nothing for Feinstein. Nothing for Mountjoy. Nothing opposing either of them. If I hadn’t read the sample ballot, I wouldn’t have even know who the challenger was.
I can only infer from this that, at least in the LA/OC area (since we get the same TV stations), the race was presumed to be a slam-dunk and both candidates decided to focus their campaigns elsewhere. Either that or I really wasn’t paying attention.
(Similarly, in our House district only the Democratic challenger posted campaign signs, and the incumbent Republican still won handily. But then, this district has run Republican since dinosaurs roamed the Earth.)
Did anyone else see any serious CA Senate campaigning?
Manic Monday? Pfehhh!
While I can’t predict how crazy today will be, I already know tomorrow’s going to be nuts, what with…
- The election (all you Californians are planning to vote, aren’t you?).
- A deadline at work.
- Microsoft Patch Tuesday.
All this means that I can’t stay home with the cold that I picked up on Saturday!
(Reminder to self: must remember to blog when happy.)