Readable Email and Web Pages…

New tech tip on my website!

Readable Email and Web Pages
It’s 2024. If you’re still designing websites or email like you would design an 8.5×11″ promotional hand-out on a sheet of paper, you really haven’t been paying attention to how people use the internet over the past decade.

#web-development #webDevelopment #css #usability #accessibility #howTo #techTips


I do think the push for HTTPS is the way to go, but as this article points out, it’s not without cost…

I do think the push for HTTPS is the way to go, but as this article points out, it’s not without cost – especially for those with limited bandwidth, high latency & high packet loss, like rural users on satellite internet who can no longer cache locally.

#https #accessibility #internet #web


But it does mean we need to find another solution for spotty connections (you can’t change the speed of light!) that *does* work with HTTPS.
