Carpet of Yellow Flowers

Blanket of yellow flowers

There are a lot of jacaranda trees near where I work, lining the walkways through the business and hotel parks and lining the sidewalks along the street. There are also a lot of these trees, which look so similar that I assumed they were more jacarandas until the first spring I was here, when they bloomed bright yellow instead of light purple. From what I can tell, they’re Tipuana trees, also known as Pride of Bolivia trees, and despite the similarities, they aren’t closely related.

The flowers act the same, though, dropping in thick blankets as spring turns to summer.

This particular tree, sadly, is no longer there. It was ripped out this fall, as part of a massive landscaping project to convert one of the office buildings into a hotel.

These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other.

These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other. When not flowering, they look so similar that I didn’t realize they were two kinds of trees until they started blooming. #yellow #trees #prideofbolivia #jacaranda #spring #hadtolookitup

These Pride of Bolivia trees line one side of the sidewalk, jacarandas the other. When not flowering, they look so similar that I didn’t realize they were two kinds of trees until they started blooming. #yellow #trees #prideofbolivia #jacaranda #spring #hadtolookitup