I'm beginning to wonder about these Facebook page stats. 17 likes and 6 individual comments, but only 3 people saw the post. Riiight…
Lost in Final Crisis?
Things did get disjointed at the end, with Mandrakk appearing out of nowhere unless you read Superman Beyond, and the two parallel narratives in the last issue, but up to that point it was remarkably straight-forward.
People were already saying they were lost with the first issue, though, and my theory is this: They were lost because they were expecting to need to know more than they actually needed to know. In a lot of cases, knowing the background of an obscure character might enhance your appreciation of a scene, but isn’t actually required to understand it, but readers who are used to recognizing everyone might have been put off by the gaps in their knowledge.
I had a theory at the time that the more knowledge of the DCU you have, the more lost you would get with Final Crisis — and a casual fan would probably have an easier time following it!
A comment that doesn’t contribute to the discussion and serves only to insert a link to the author’s site is spam, bot or human.
A comment that doesn’t contribute to the discussion and serves only to insert a link to the author’s site is spam, bot or human.
The New 52 reboot *was* rushed compared to COIE.
The thing is, the New 52 reboot was rushed compared to COIE.
COIE was a 12-issue event created specifically to clean house and combine what they wanted to keep into a new reality.
Flashpoint was a stand-alone “fix the broken timeline” story that grew. Somewhere along the line, DC decided to use it as the springboard to launch the New 52. They added a double-page spread with some mumbo-jumbo about merging timelines, and drew the new costumes on Batman and Barry for the last two pages. (I can’t confirm this, but given the timeline of when Johns and Kubert started Flashpoint, when the reboot got greenlit, the story of Flashpoint itself, and all the stuff Johns talked about putting into his Flash run that didn’t make it, this makes the most sense.)
In my mind, Flashpoint and the New 52 are completely separate entities.
And speaking of things that are completely separate…
“Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato are doing amazing work.”
Yes. Yes they are.
Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.
Weird: Since I installed CommentLuv on my blog yesterday, this 9-year-old dev post has been getting hammered by spam.
Hmm. It’s not just that one post getting spammed suddenly. It’s just that one post where the spams aren’t getting caught by Akismet.
This does tell me that spammers *are* targeting CommentLuv blogs, because until yesterday, I had 1 blog w/about 600 spams & another with 6.
Whoever the hell is setting off fireworks, you have lousy timing. Though I guess if
Whoever the hell is setting off fireworks, you have lousy timing. Though I guess if you're out there, you probably aren't following the news from Boston on Twitter right now.
I just don’t understand contrail conspiracy theorists. They’re literally paranoid about *clouds*
I just don’t understand contrail conspiracy theorists. They’re literally paranoid about *clouds*
You know how Facebook sends you an email with the IP address, computer type and…
You know how Facebook sends you an email with the IP address, computer type and browser, and rough geographical area when you log in from a new computer or browser? If they send you all that on a successful new login, why don't they send you at least some of that information when someone submits a “reset my password” request for your account?
I mean, it's nice that they offer the “no, it wasn't me” link, though I doubt they do anything with it (and I'm reluctant to click on it anyway for fear of phishing), but I'd like to know if I'm dealing with one person who frequently types my username by mistake and thinks he's forgotten his password when he can't get in, or several.
Gee, do you think that flashing, rotating sign for Distracted Driving Awareness might be a little counterproductive?
Gee, do you think that flashing, rotating sign for Distracted Driving Awareness might be a little counterproductive?
Just the right amount of haze reveals MORE depth on distant mountains. Too much: just silhouettes. Too little: ridges blend into texture.
Just the right amount of haze reveals MORE depth on distant mountains. Too much: just silhouettes. Too little: ridges blend into texture.
There’s a store in Venice called Bike Curious Rentals.
There's a store in Venice called Bike Curious Rentals.
If your website opens an “Are you sure you really want to leave?” pop-up when…
If your website opens an “Are you sure you really want to leave?” pop-up when I try to close it — especially if it's in the form of a sales pitch — I assume it's trying to do something shady, force-quit my browser, and make a point to never return again.
I tried to search for “South Bay” on the LA Metro website, and got a
I tried to search for “South Bay” on the LA Metro website, and got a “405 Not Allowed” error.
“You guys just sat through a mock trial about zombies with real doctors and lawyers.
“You guys just sat through a mock trial about zombies with real doctors and lawyers. You have serious geek cred.” #WonderCon
Now I know: I can type faster on the phone with one hand than the keyboard. Maybe if I set the kid down now he’ll stay asleep…
Now I know: I can type faster on the phone with one hand than the keyboard. Maybe if I set the kid down now he’ll stay asleep…
UI tip: If you use a slider to set a number, also let people just type the number. They might want precision, or you might have compat probs
UI tip: If you use a slider to set a number, also let people just type the number. They might want precision, or you might have compat probs
Gotta love when someone freaks out over something that’s been CHANGED OMG! when it’s actually normal & they just hadn’t noticed.
Gotta love when someone freaks out over something that’s been CHANGED OMG! when it’s actually normal & they just hadn’t noticed.
For example: “President A skipped out on event B for the first time EVER!” even though presidents C,D, and E skipped it regularly…
Or “What is that light in the sky! OMG!” Um, it’s Venus, it’s been there all month…
The airplane contrail off of the Calif. coast that people mistook for a missile launch a couple of years back…
Every time there’s a major earthquake and suddenly people are watching+reporting every tiny quake so it looks like the frequency is going up
Or those Youtube videos where the narrator was sure something had been done to water because you NEVER saw rainbows in sprinklers before?
“Doctor, will I be able to play the violin after the operation?” “Absolutely.” “Wonderful, I never could before!”
I’ve never heard of a case where a physical comic store closed because of digital comics.
I’ve never heard of a case where a physical comic store closed because of digital comics. Everyone keeps predicting it based on the way things have gone with bookstores, video rental stores, and music stores, but it either isn’t happening or hasn’t happened yet (as far as I can see).
Why Wonder Woman is in the DC Trinity
Interesting historical fact: In the 1940s, DC contracted out to a second publisher, All-American comics, to produce more comics under the DC brand. The top three characters at DC proper were Superman, Batman and Robin (starring in World’s Finest). The top three at All-American were Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern (starring in Comic Cavalcade). In the middle of the decade, DC bought All-American outright.
Those six characters are still the most recognizable from DC, but… Robin is always the second half of “Batman and…” Green Lantern and the Flash disappeared for several years before being completely reinvented in the late 1950s, and have never reached the level of mainstream recognition that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman have.
That’s what I think matters here: the “trinity” are the three DC characters best known to the American public at large over the last 7 decades, not those who are most popular among today’s comic book readers: Those would be Batman, Batman, and Batman
Amtrak to SDCC
I’ve done Amtrak from LA a couple of times, and it’s a nice way to cut down on the driving stress. Driving 2.5-3 hours twice daily is grueling, especially when it overlaps with rush hour. Plus you have time to read your new comics on the way home!
But it does lock down your schedule a bit on the days you take it, and the line to get on the last northbound train of the evening is…actually not too much worse than some other comic-con lines, now that I think about it.