I’m rarely impressed by those “If so-and-so had written X” jokes that simply plug in plot points or character traits from one of their well-known works. It’s lazy, and it implies that authors are only capable of creating one type of story. If you’re going to do something like that, take 20 minutes to think about some of their other work and pick out some common elements. 20 minutes on Wikipedia, folks – that can’t be asking too much.
Flashpoint wasn’t originally going to be a reboot
It’s been stated that Flashpoint wasn’t originally going to be a reboot, and it’s been stated that Dan Didio has wanted to do a reboot as far back as Infinite Crisis. (I think that plan ended up morphing into “One Year Later” and 52.)
I have no idea whether Final Crisis was at some point planned to be a reboot or not, though.
Stand your ground?
Still trying to figure out how “Stand your ground” translates to “Pursue and attack,” and now Geraldo Rivera (remember him?) chimes in with “He asked for it! Look what he was wearing!” WTF?
Constantly astonished at how slow Facebook’s Android app is. If I can’t load the news feed while waiting for an elevator, something’s wrong.
I’m constantly astonished at how slow Facebook’s Android app is. If it can’t load my news feed while *waiting for an elevator*, something’s wrong with it. (And that’s when GPS is off. If GPS is on, it sits even longer trying to figure out where I am, even though it doesn’t actually need the location info.)
Google+ and UberSocial (a third-party Twitter app) are both a lot faster to load content, AND they can both sync in the background, so there’s at least something for me to read more or less instantly. Facebook does have a “refresh interval,” but as near as I can tell it doesn’t do anything, or maybe it’s the interval for checking notifications.
Mitochondrial Eve
Comment in response to The 10 Most Successful Failures in Geekdom
Apologies in advance for the nitpicking, but this is one of those things that Just Bugs Me(tm), and it seems to come up every time the BSG finale is mentioned.
The “Mitochondrial Eve” concept doesn’t mean everyone else died out. It’s finding a common ancestor based on the fact that we only inherit mitochondria from our mothers.
Start with two families. One has all girls, or a mix of girls and boys. The other has all boys. The mother who has girls? Her grandchildren will inherit her mitochondria. The mother who has all boys? Her mitochondrial line will disappear, even if she has more grandchildren than the first.
One character being Mitochondrial Eve doesn’t mean every other family died out. It just means that over time, each other line had at least one generation of all boys.
OK Bye
Walking down the hall at WonderCon, I heard someone saying, “I think so, Brain…” in a perfect Pinky voice. I looked over and it was Rob Paulsen. ‘Kay bye.
Sure, I’ll happily fill out a survey on the experience I had using your online
Sure, I'll happily fill out a survey on the experience I had using your online store that one time five or six months ago.
I’ve got a handheld connection to a worldwide network of information, communication and entertainment, and
I've got a handheld connection to a worldwide network of information, communication and entertainment, and the signal's solid. If I'm bored waiting in line, it's my own fault.
Oh look, a website that still thinks disabling right-click accomplishes anything other than annoying people who use context menus & gestures
Oh look, a website that still thinks disabling right-click accomplishes anything other than annoying people who use context menus & gestures
I remember when Geoff Johns wrote “Blitz” and “Ignition”
I remember when Geoff Johns wrote “Blitz” and “Ignition” in order to make the points that (a) heroes don’t need tragedy to make them great and (b) grim & gritty and decompression have their place, but aren’t the best fit for a character like the Flash.
Then a few years later he gave us Flash: Rebirth, Flashpoint, and the New 52.
Not sure what’s the bigger surprise: seeing a Volt in the wild, or that it got a parking spot next to an outlet across from the airport.
Not sure what’s the bigger surprise: seeing a Chevy Volt in the wild, or that the driver managed to get a parking space next to an electrical outlet in a structure that offers parking for LAX.
Must remember to check weather BEFORE taking J to the park. Though since the forecast…
Must remember to check weather BEFORE taking J to the park. Though since the forecast still says 75, not the 85 degrees it actually is, it might not have helped that much.
I’m amazed at how high above the horizon Venus is these days.
I’m amazed at how high above the horizon Venus is these days. And with Jupiter so close to it in the sky, you can really see how much brighter Venus is.
Next clear day I’m going to have to try spotting Venus in daylight again. I should’ve tried a few days ago when I could use the moon as a guide.
Interesting: Coffee consumption has gone up so much since installing a single-cup brewer that the…
Interesting: Coffee consumption has gone up so much since installing a single-cup brewer that the office has switched from providing Mini-Moos to putting a half-gallon of half & half in the refrigerator.
I was worried that a clicking sound was coming from the new hard drive, but I couldn’t hear it with my ear next to the computer. Then I realized: it’s just bubbles echoing in my almost-empty soda can.
“Please don’t put the music player in the coffee mug.”
File this under things I never thought I’d say: “Please don’t put the music player in the coffee mug.”
Just leaving a TMBG concert. Walked past someone moving chairs.
Just leaving a TMBG concert. Walked past someone moving chairs.
The general public *does* think his name is Shazam.
The general public does think his name is Shazam. Just like they think the Flash’s name is Gordon.
Heck, sometimes they think the Flash’s name is Shazam.
I wish I were making this up.
J managed to get his hands on the laptop keyboard while neither of us was…
J managed to get his hands on the laptop keyboard while neither of us was looking. Among the things he launched: the debug tools for the web browser. I'll pretend for a moment that he knew what he was doing.
This week, J has decided that my toes are the funniest! thing! ever!