Most of the complaints I saw were from people who were fully aware of Starfire’s history

Maybe we were reading different discussions, but most of the complaints I saw were from people who were fully aware of Starfire’s history, but did not like the switch from “defined character who is also hot and has sex” to “flying sexbot who might get some characterization sometime in the future, but has mainly been introduced as being hot and having sex.” That includes the original article that touched this all off.

And yes, everyone knows it’s a relaunch/reboot. That explains the presence of changes. It does not justify bad ones.

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The user’s space has been used up

It’s rare that translating from English to (in this case) Chinese and back to English improves things, but “The user’s space has been used up” is clearer than “Mailbox over quota.”

Wayne suggests on Google+: lol might be because Chinese like to be more formal in their phrasing so Chinese probably translated to something like “The user’s space…”

Updated Netflix thought: Dairy farms get together to raise prices…

9/15: Netflix thought: If dairy farms got together and hiked up the price of milk, would you blame your grocery store for raising their prices?

9/16: It must be the Netflix/studio milk/dairy farm analogy that’s got @Peerindex convinced that I write about breakfast cereal.

9/20: Updated Netflix thought: Dairy farms get together to raise prices, putting the squeeze on your local grocery store. The local store raises their prices to cover their higher costs. People blame the grocery store.

Then the grocery store responds by spinning off a separate store. One store will only sell milk in cardboard cartons and cheese. The other store will only sell milk in plastic bottles or yogurt. This is, of course, to make your life easier.

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Of course, there’s always The Oatmeal’s explanation:

Brion adds:

One store pipes fresh delicious milk direct to your faucets, but only carries 1% because the dairy cartel is being paid by another grocery chain for an exclusive right to whole, skim, and 2%.

Final Crisis,for all the flack it gets for being impenetrable, is really self-contained.

Final Crisis,for all the flack it gets for being impenetrable, is really self-contained. Basically, get the trade or hardcover of Final Crisis, and you’re set. Revelations is a related story that takes place during FC, while Legion of Three Worlds and Rogues’ Revenge are mostly-unrelated stories that take place during FC.

I wouldn’t even say that was the point of Flashpoint.

I wouldn’t even say that was the point of Flashpoint. The point seems to have been to tell an alternate universe story centered on the Flash.

It’s pretty clear from interviews that Flashpoint was planned before they decided to do a reboot – it was a big Flash story that became a big DCU event that would have led to the universe returning more-or-less to normal (no doubt with a few changes and some of the new Flashpoint characters retconned into history), but then DC decided to use it as the springboard for the reboot.

As near as I can tell, the only way that Flashpoint #5 transitions into the new 52 is that double-page spread. The final scene would have worked just fine in the old DCU if Kubert had drawn them in the old costumes.

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