App store for a computer? Great! As long as it never becomes the ONLY way to install software, like on the iPhone & iPad. #Apple

App store for a computer? Great! As long as it never becomes the ONLY way to install software, like on the iPhone & iPad. #Apple

The app store model has been available in major Linux distributions for years, but you can always add third-party software.

GUIs for Linux’s APT & Yum are basically app stores for free software. Linspire had an actual app store back in 2002

Pleasantly surprised by a fun adventure story with great art.

I’m enjoying it [The Flash] a lot. I really wasn’t expecting to – I’m a Wally West fan myself, so Barry Allen’s return felt forced and unnecessary. Yes, the series was broken post-Infinite Crisis, but in the words of another Geoff Johns story, just because something’s broken doesn’t mean you throw it away.

Worse, Flash: Rebirth really annoyed me on a lot of levels. I was at the point where I figured if the new series was going to be like Rebirth, I wasn’t interested in reading it. Fortunately I gave it a chance, and was pleasantly surprised by a fun adventure story with great art.

On Reddit

After they defeated the Adversary, I completely lost interest in Fables.

Responding to a thread about which long-running comics you’ve stopped reading.

After they defeated the Adversary, I completely lost interest in Fables. I tried to keep going. I think I read another four issues or so, about to the point where someone released the Sealed Evil In A Can, and kept buying them for a few months after that. Once I realized I wasn’t reading it anymore, I dropped it entirely.