Tunguska Event

comment on the post “Flash Facts: Tunguska Event“:

I remember my first encounter with the Tunguska event was in The New Teen Titans, with the origin of Red Star. The weird thing is, I went back later and reread the issues with him and the story never actually states that the incident involved was the Tunguska event!

I must have thought of the origin story when I first read about the real event, and connected them in my mind to the extent that I was convinced the story had specifically referred to it!

I remember waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion one time in the mid-1990s…


I remember waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion one time in the mid-1990s with Shawn and maybe a few other friends, and there was this one guy who took the fun/creepy vibe seriously and really went beyond the “Yeah, yeah, dead center of the room” take. His name was Maynard, and he really set the right tone for the ride. Stumbled on a picture of him at Flickr – he’s still at Disneyland – then did some searching and discovered he’s got a following!

Non-Standard = Ambiguous

So, have you got some specs for exactly the way IE and Gecko handle every single case of non-standard code? Including cases where it’s clear the code is broken, but it’s not clear what the author meant, and multiple interpretations are equally valid?

No? There’s no specification? They’ll have to reverse-engineer it by visiting every page on the internet with IE and Firefox and seeing what those browsers do with them? Gee, that sounds workable!

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