Spam on my blog jumped by a factor of 20 when I installed Comluv in April, with no increase in real comments. Time to end this experiment.

Spam on my blog jumped by a factor of 20 when I installed Comluv in April, with no increase in real comments. Time to end this experiment.

I guess it depends on the site. I wonder how long it’ll take for the spammers searching for “powered by commentluv” to drop off.

This story really hits home for me because the beginning so closely tracks my own experience exactly a week earlier…

Despite shots, peanut allergy kills teen

This story really hits home for me because the beginning so closely tracks my own experience exactly a week earlier during Comic-Con: Friday, on vacation, could tell there was something wrong immediately, reaction seemed to be under control but reemerged later…Except with me, the EpiPen worked, and I walked out of the hospital that evening.

No guarantees.

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Saying people shouldn’t complain about a problem without offering a solution is like saying only doctors should talk about being sick.

Saying people shouldn’t complain about a problem without offering a solution is like saying only doctors should talk about being sick. Identifying a problem and solving it are different (if overlapping) skill sets. That’s why software companies have QA departments, run beta tests, and accept bug reports.