Oh, and here’s Ye Olde Jar O’ Leeches. Same Faire, different booth.
Here’s a goat in a bucket I spotted at a Renaissance Faire a few years ago.
Totally apropos of nothing, here’s a goat in a bucket I spotted at a Renaissance Faire a few years ago.
Empty summer nights.
Even with smoke dulling the sky, the moon’s still visible.
Parakeets in Pine Trees
I don’t usually think about parakeets spending time in pine trees, but the feral population around here isn’t exactly particular about what types of trees they perch in.
#birds #photo #nature #parakeets
2020: Seems about right.
We have liftoff!…
Slugging through.
Slugging through. https://somethingpositive.net/comic/slugging-through/ via @choochoobear
Summer Succulents
The city has been working on improving the sections of a bike path closest to a major street. The rest of it is just a concrete path in the middle of an unmaintained greenbelt under power transmission wires.
They’ve put in drought-tolerant landscaping, some dirt/clay paths, bike racks, benches, and a small public parking lot over the past year or so. I’m not sure how much they slowed down during the shutdowns earlier this year, but it’s finally open.
I must have taken a wrong turn at Albequerque.
I swear this raid screenshot is not altered in any way.
The online naturalist
Meanwhile, in the more curated parts of the gardens
Meanwhile, in the more curated parts of the gardens…
(The sphere in the distance is a sculpture by Doris Sung called “Fuller,” inspired by Buckminster Fuller. I always think of it as the buckyball.)
#photo #art #sunny #fountain #pineapple #sculpture #sphere #flowers #pink #lily #buckyball