That’s not what I meant when I asked where the public toilets were!
That’s not what I meant when I asked where the public toilets were!
(spotted on a walk this morning)
No Mans Sky screenshots
Going through my #NoMansSky screenshots. A lot of them are from missions where I had to “take a photo” of some type of structure or animal or planetary environment.
But some of them I think I managed to compose pretty well.
Confused spider forgetting that it needs to connect to a site through Ethernet, not USB.
Confused spider forgetting that it needs to connect to a site through Ethernet, not USB.
One of *many* desert cottontails I saw hopping around today
One of *many* desert cottontails I saw hopping around today.
Sunny Side Up
I, um…well, I guess it is…?
Saw this while walking around the other day.
“Oh…um…hi there…”
I’m not used to seeing wild rabbits *relaxing*
A mockingbird I caught just after it took off. Or is it a mockingbirb?
A #mockingbird I caught just after it took off.
Or is it a mockingbirb?
Butterfly-friendly native CA plants purchased from a local conservation group have collected a caterpillar! Looks like a Sphynx moth. Now I just need to finish transplanting the rest of the plants into the actual ground! #nature #plants #butterflies #moths #garden #caterpillar
Butterfly-friendly native CA plants purchased from a local conservation group have collected a caterpillar! Looks like a Sphynx moth.
Now I just need to finish transplanting the rest of the plants into the actual ground!
Clover. One flower out of a field.
#Clover. One flower out of a field.
#nature #florespondence #flowers
And in related news, this confirms that @pixelfed now supports image uploads from @Tusky !
(That’s been the one thing missing from just using the Pixelfed website on my phone: it works great in a browser or as an installed PWA, but uploads can only start in the website. You can’t start with a photo gallery and share images to the site or PWA.)
Food, weird branding
Missing pixelfed posts
Stork’s bill in a finch’s beak.
Stork’s bill in a finch’s beak.
Went for another hike today. I think this is the best photo from the walk. #nature
Went for another hike today. I think this is the best photo from the walk.
Vernal marsh pools
I saw one of these birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it.
I saw one of these #birds fly out of a bush, across the trail, and into a tree. I stopped. I waited. I looked, but couldn’t spot it. I took another, slow, careful step. Another #sparrow flew out of the bush, across the path, and into the tree. I stopped again.
This went on for about FIVE MORE ROUNDS before a couple of them flew into another bush and stopped where I could SEE them!
Then one of them flew off while I was aiming. 🤦