HOW? This is running on the same computer. No hardware changes. It’s a modern Mac, …

HOW? This is running on the same computer. No hardware changes. It’s a modern Mac, I *can’t* make any hardware changes. I don’t think I’ve even *rebooted* the machine since I last ran this VM.

VMWare error: The features supported by the processor in this machine are different from the features supported by the processor in the machine on which the virtual machine was saved.


Wait, there was an OS update last week. Did I last run this VM early in the week or later in the week?

I have no idea, because time has no meaning anymore.

But yeah, maybe it was early in the week and the latest point release reports something slightly differently to VMWare.


Today I spotted some of the feral parakeets

Today I spotted some of the feral parakeets that live in the suburbs around here. I hear them squawking as they fly overhead almost daily, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen them, and even longer since I’ve seen them close enough and still enough to photograph!

While out walking today I found three of them perched on a cable up above the street. After a minute or two, one of them flew over to the top section of a nearby palm tree.

#photo #birds #parakeet

Parakeet on a cable.

Parakeet on a palm tree.

On Photog.Social

Some bluebirds spotted at a park

Some #bluebirds spotted at a park. There’s a corner that’s landscaped with plants that are a bit better suited for more birds and butterflies than the usual giant lawn with a few trees, and I’ve seen bluebirds, phoebes, towhees and others in the area.

I’m not sure if they’re female or juvenile (only adult males are bright bright blue), but you can see the blue on their wings…and how well their bodies blend in with the ground.

#birds #nature #photo

On Photog.Social

Perching bluebird on iNaturalist
Ground-level bluebird on iNaturalist and alternate shot on Flickr

This northern mockingbird flew across the street and landed on a lawn.

This northern mockingbird flew across the street and landed on a lawn. While I got the camera out, it flew up to a rooftop, then flew across the street again to land on a signpost, where it stretched its wings briefly (as seen here).

Fun fact: mockingbirds are able to recognize individual humans, and their ability to mimic sounds extends beyond birds to cats, dogs, and even car alarms.

A small brown and white bird with a long beak perched on top of a signpost with its wings half-spread.

On Photog.Social
On Flickr
On iNaturalist