This northern mockingbird flew across the street and landed on a lawn.

This northern mockingbird flew across the street and landed on a lawn. While I got the camera out, it flew up to a rooftop, then flew across the street again to land on a signpost, where it stretched its wings briefly (as seen here).

Fun fact: mockingbirds are able to recognize individual humans, and their ability to mimic sounds extends beyond birds to cats, dogs, and even car alarms.

A small brown and white bird with a long beak perched on top of a signpost with its wings half-spread.

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An amazing composite photo of the Milky Way and Jupiter over the snow-covered Himalayas, via @apod. Photographer Tomas Havel took 8 exposures from the same spot over 3 hours and combined them to make this image.

An amazing composite photo of the Milky Way and Jupiter over the snow-covered Himalayas, via @apod. Photographer Tomas Havel took 8 exposures from the same spot over 3 hours and combined them to make this image.

APoD: The Milky Way over Snow-Capped Himalayas

Spot the squirrels!

Two squirrels blending into a palm tree trunk.

Spot the squirrels!

I heard noises from this palm tree and went to look. I couldn't quite catch *what* was moving up there at first, so I just pointed the camera up to where I saw movement and took a few shots. Turned out to be these two squirrels, who then chased each other around the trunk, chittering and knocking debris down.


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