Perched on top of a transmission tower where I’ve occasionally seen a hawk before. There are at least two in the area, as I’ve seen them flying together a couple of times.
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
Perched on top of a transmission tower where I’ve occasionally seen a hawk before. There are at least two in the area, as I’ve seen them flying together a couple of times.
This northern mockingbird flew across the street and landed on a lawn. While I got the camera out, it flew up to a rooftop, then flew across the street again to land on a signpost, where it stretched its wings briefly (as seen here).
Fun fact: mockingbirds are able to recognize individual humans, and their ability to mimic sounds extends beyond birds to cats, dogs, and even car alarms.
“Hey. Human. Yeah, you. Got any food?”
“No? Well, fine.” *stalks off*
(Seriously, it walked right up to me while I was crouching down to take a photo.)
An amazing composite photo of the Milky Way and Jupiter over the snow-covered Himalayas, via @apod. Photographer Tomas Havel took 8 exposures from the same spot over 3 hours and combined them to make this image.
Spot the squirrels!
I heard noises from this palm tree and went to look. I couldn't quite catch *what* was moving up there at first, so I just pointed the camera up to where I saw movement and took a few shots. Turned out to be these two squirrels, who then chased each other around the trunk, chittering and knocking debris down.
This shot came out *much* clearer! It’s a gulf fritillary.
Yeah, rolling shutters and #butterflies don’t always mix well. #fotofails
Went for a walk in the rain this morning. It usually doesn’t rain much here after April, but we got a couple of hours of drizzle today.
I cast “detect evil” on the #gazebo!
Birb, or serious bird? What a difference a few seconds makes!